5 Things that everyone should do!

5 Things that everyone should do!

Often people think that going to the gym and lifting weights is just associated with someone's desire to ''grow'' bigger, where actually it is much more to it....

Lets go through 5 simple things that everyone should be doing when starting training:


More times than not, one of the biggest enemies when it comes to beginnings in training is actually procrastination combined with a lack of confidence...

It is simple, if you skip it today and tomorrow... guess what is most likely to happen day after tomorrow?.... and because of situations like this, I usually like to recommend to people to just go there even for a half an hour of treadmill (not something that you will generally use, haha), just to create a sense of obligation and habit.


Now, when first step is finished and you do have that sense of obligation to come to training... what do you do?

Do you run, squat, jump, climb, fight....maybe all of it...maybe none.

To be honest ''maybe'' is one of biggest enemies in quality training time and as soon as its there it can tell me that you actually have no clue what and how to do. Therefore I strongly advise to ask for help.

Hire a PT. Do it for beginning. See how it feels, see is there any positive change.

Reason why I am advising this is simply because there is always someone who knows things better than you.. and that is just fact in everything that we do.

''In order to do get something that you never had, you have to do something that you never did.''


Go for small goals measured in weeks rather than measured in years. Hire a pt, do 12week program and see what is going to happen.

A lot of times so far i got asked ''Oh, can I do XYZ in under 3 months or under 1 year?''

My answer? Let us first do some math.

Let's break it down...

You have been consistent in NOT TRAINING FOR ABOUT 15 YEARS... now you ask me whether that 15 YEARS can be beaten in under 3 MONTHS or so.

My answer? No. Simple as that.

But, if you decide that movement and training are going to become an important part of your life from now till the time you leave the planet, only sky is the limit.


With a fact that I have spent 90% of my life in competitions and various sports training I can say with confidence that EGO is something that can only get you hurt and setback for years.

Remember... no matter how strong, fast, fit, big or what ever you are... there is always going to be someone better. That is how it is and you, me or anyone else can not do anything about it.

Do this for you, push you as much as YOU can hold and not as much as some athlete can. That is the only way to safely grow and develop.. aand at the end of the day, TO BE HAPPY.


Perfect thing to say, after we have established that EGO is not your friend. Of course, I did not say "Do not lift heavy" or "Do not push your self".

You have to. That is the way to go. But, to the certain limit.

Human limits are exactly reason why I advise everyone to have a trainer with them. It is not just to be looking cool or something... but just because of the simple fact that someone with more experience, watching you from "bird" perspective, will have much more insight and idea of what is actually your limit.

When I think about it... I had my clients doing 8 to 10 exercises per training and completely smashing it, where on the other side I had some doing only 4 and guess what? They were smashing it as well and were also really strong.



These are only few of many advices that if followed will for sure change the way how you see training and movement in general. Be ready for a big surprising change and enjoy in it.

Stay strong,



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