5 Strategies for Stability in Turbulent Times
Kevin W. McCarthy
Purpose, People & Profit Integrator: Guiding Business Owners to Powerfully Put Purpose to Work ? The Professor of On-Purpose?
Summary: Renewing and using your purpose is the key to being grounded when chaos abounds.
In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, it's understandable to experience being overwhelmed and lost.?The constant stream of news, the political divide, and the ever-changing landscape can leave us questioning our place and purpose. Amid the chaos, there is solace in our journey, and your 2-word purpose can be the starting point for renewal.
Why purpose? Your purpose is permanent, unchanging, and resilient. Purpose acts as an inner gyroscope for orienting and navigating the surrounding turbulence. As fast as the speed of change moves, the more vital it is to reconnect with that and who is unchanging. Your purpose is your deep grounding to the source of emotional and spiritual stability.?
Wondering what to do? Here’s five strategies:
1. In?The On-Purpose Person,?the light switch is noted as the symbol of an on-purpose person.?Feelings of being overwhelmed or lost indicate you’re off-purpose and it’s time to flip the switch. That’s easier said than done, but purpose is your starting place for renewal through self-reflection and introspection. In the darkest times, your purpose illuminates your path and what’s ahead. Yes, resisting dire straights is difficult — without a purpose it’s a downright dangerous.
2. Is now the time to reassess your purpose, vision, missions, and values (PVMV)??While your purpose is permanent, you life vision and missions are more reflective of current events. Values, unless there’s an epiphany, tend to change slowly.
TOUGH SHIFT events present growth opportunities to wisely recalibrate one’s PVMV. Rebooting and restating this innate operating system for core alignment from your heart to your head, hands, and honor is the essence of being on-purpose. Being prepared and equipped like this provides a strategic defense to fend off dismay and defeatism.
3. Consider backing off your busy agenda to invest in some self-care and personal renewal to rest and be still.?Your well-being is at stake. Being off the grid or disengaging your busyness for prayer or meditation may be just what you need to come back restored and rejuvenated.
4. You are not alone in either your experience or relationships. Confide your emotional state with trusted others. Avoid it becoming a whining session. Make it a winning time by sharing your concern and asking only to be heard. Get it off your chest.
5. Do you need community??Do the 14-day trial membership offered at The On-Purpose Planet to meet, connect, and learn insights and methods through self-paced courses about how to put your purpose to work. Attend special events, post questions and comments, collaborate with others, and amplify your impact as you create positive change for others and you.
Most of all, let today begin your journey of renewal to being an on-purpose purpose in creation!
Be On-Purpose!
PS: Clarify your life purpose to 2-words at ONPURPOSE.me