5 Strategies of Effective FECA Claims Specialists
Donal Anderson
Certified Fraud Examiner helping federal agencies reduce FECA chargebacks for over 15 years
Under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA), the Department of Labor (DOL) provides benefits to federal employees injured on the job until they can return to work (RTW) once medically cleared. With the proper focus, RTW processes benefit employees and federal agencies aiming to restore productivity and manage their FECA chargeback. Effective FECA Claims Specialists use the following tools to facilitate the RTW transitions.
RTW is the Point
FECA primarily aims to support injured federal employees by providing essential medical and wage-loss benefits while helping them return to gainful employment.? Assuring that they RTW as soon as they are physically able to contribute, FECA medically determines what an injured employee can still accomplish for the employer. Most employees can perform certain tasks during recovery, so the challenge is identifying and maximizing these abilities as soon as possible to keep the employee engaged.
Strategies of the FECA RTW Process
1.????? Use Limited Duty Job Offers (LDJO)
For employees who can’t immediately return to their original roles, agencies are encouraged to create Limited Duty Job Offers (LDJO) that align with the employee’s current abilities. A suitable LDJO must specify:
2.????? Continue to Address Retirement Cases
Agencies must continue offering RTW options, as some employees later opt to return to OWCP compensation because of the taxes on retirement income that FECA benefits avoid. Even with injured employees of retirement age, being vigilant in checking an employee’s abilities is essential to ensure that FECA benefits are not used as a simple boost to retirement proceeds.? Light Duty Job Offers (LDJO) are often less appealing than retirement and are a great reminder to the employee of the intention of FECA benefits.
3.????? Embrace ECOMP ?
ECOMP (Employee Compensation Operations & Management Portal) is a case management tool that plays a vital role in the RTW process. It includes features like the Case Management Dashboard and CE-LinQ for communication with claims specialists. Key benefits include:
4.????? Investigate to Resolve Discrepancies
Administrative investigations provide the tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of RTW under FECA; they help agencies balance employee recovery and operational efficiency. By gathering comprehensive and unbiased data about the claimant's current medical, vocational, and personal circumstances, investigators inform claims specialists:
5.????? Objectively Verify the Suitability of Job Offers
Investigators can candidly validate the alignment between an employee’s actions and medical restrictions and the duties outlined in a job offer. This ensures the offer is deemed suitable by the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), reducing delays caused by rejected or inadequate offers.
Administrative investigations uncover discrepancies in claims, such as instances of exaggeration or malingering. Resolving these issues early allows claims examiners to focus on advancing legitimate RTW cases while mitigating potential fraud and reducing FECA chargeback.
Case Resolution
A successful RTW program relies on the proactive engagement of the agency and a clear resolution for each case. Agencies are required to remain actively involved throughout the life of the claim to support recovery and encourage the employees’ return to productivity. FECA aims for a resolution that results in:
Conclusion: The Successful RTW Strategy
For federal agencies, a successful RTW strategy under FECA is more than meeting compliance—it’s a tool for workforce engagement, cost management, and consistent productivity. By prioritizing case resolution, creating suitable LDJOs, leveraging ECOMP for seamless management, and utilizing administrative investigators for objective documentation in the field, agencies can return injured employees to productive work environments as soon as they are medically capable, effectively managing compensation resources.