5 Strategies for Coping with Anxiety as a leader
Tisha Peters
I help aspiring HR professionals gain practical experience through a professional mentorship program
Do you ever feel anxious when the pressure's on? Struggle to calm your nerves amidst stressful situations? Feel like you are not sure how to cope with the changes in your life? These sensations are entirely normal. However, sometimes, these concerns can become overwhelming even in your day-to-day routines.
Extreme anxiety can hinder your everyday life, causing worry to permeate every aspect. It can potentially derail your life, but taking control is possible, enabling you to thrive in challenging circumstances.
Mastering effective anxiety management is a potent skill with multifaceted benefits. Your interpersonal relationships will flourish, your resilience will enable you to pursue your aspirations rather than succumbing to defeat, and your self-assurance will soar as you learn to adeptly navigate situations despite inner fears.
First I would tell you to remember this verse Philippians 4:6 NIV says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Don't succumb to anxiety but turn to prayer and gratitude when faced with worrisome situations. Do this daily!
While you're practising prayer and gratitude, add the following five strategies into your routine, and immediate changes will become apparent. Though these concepts are straightforward, their implementation possesses the capacity to revolutionize your life.
These approaches can assist you in handling anxious feelings:
You know that project deadline that you have been worrying about and you're not quite sure where to start? Among the most efficacious methods for managing anxiety is deep breathing. Deep breaths supply essential oxygen to your brain and body, inducing muscle relaxation. This influx of air to your body and mind aids in calming you during moments that typically trigger stress.
When you detect the onset of nervousness, focus on your breath. Spend a few days practising deep breathing in a serene, private setting where you're unhurried. Place your hand on your abdomen, ensuring it rises and falls with each breath. Inhale slowly and deeply, then exhale at a similar pace.
By rehearsing this deep breathing exercise preemptively, you'll be prepared to regulate your breathing when faced with stressful situations. As pressure mounts and you sense your heart rate accelerating, simply concentrate on your breath and execute the practised technique.
Take a deep breath, review your notes and start!
I get nervous about presenting whether it's in person or online and my mind starts telling me all the reasons why I can't but I present anyway. Persistent worrying may indicate an insufficient venture beyond your comfort zone. Seek opportunities to expand your mental horizons gradually, without overwhelming stress. As you acclimate to confronting challenges and managing nerves, progressively expose yourself to more daunting scenarios.
If avoidance is your default response to stressors, intentionally immerse yourself in uncertain situations. This deliberate action aids in fostering confidence. The more strides you take beyond your comfort zone, the better equipped you'll become when confronting life's genuine challenges that evoke anxiety. Check out the book: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.
An often underestimated approach to combating anxiety involves ensuring your body is adequately nourished for the tasks ahead. Hydrate sufficiently, maintain a balanced breakfast routine, opt for frequent, small meals, and monitor your dietary habits through a daily log to identify patterns undermining your well-being.
When your body receives proper nourishment, daily anxieties tend to feel less overwhelming. Try drinking eight glasses of water daily and adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet. Once a week, I make what I term a Mediterranean salad packed with veggies (cucumbers, tomatoes (technically a fruit), red onion, avocado, olives, and beans (black beans, channa and red beans). I sometimes add chicken or fish and that would be my lunch for three (3) days. It's so simple and easy to make. Try it.
Your body thrives on movement. Sedentary behavior, such as prolonged desk work, tends to exacerbate worry and stress compared to a more active lifestyle. Exercise serves as a potent stress-relief mechanism, channels frustration constructively, and bolsters overall self-assurance, all contributing to a calmer disposition and diminished daily anxiety.
I try to exercise four (4) days weekly and now that I have some flexibility in my schedule, I go to the gym between 7:30am and 8:00am and work out for 45 minutes with a structured routine. A great way to start the day and definitely puts me in a great frame of mind.
At times, addressing anxiety necessitates seeking counselling. If previous attempts at self-management have yielded little success, enlisting the expertise of a mental health professional trained in addressing such challenges may offer the most viable solution.
Experiencing nervousness during stressful situations is natural. Yet, lacking strategies to navigate these emotions can induce paralysis, potentially thwarting your prospects of achieving the success you deserve. Instead, implement these five strategies today to effectively manage anxiety and emerge victorious.
As a leader you can sometimes feel overwhelmed but it's good to have a strong support system. Call your spiritual advisor, a friend, trusted family, mentor or find a therapist who can give you a listening ear and if needed some advice. Sometimes you just want to be able to speak and have someone listen. The answer usually comes through this medium.
What are some other ways you tend to handle anxious moments? Share in the comments.