5 Steps for Universal Design
Incorporate universal design strategies into your next remodeling project with this five-step guide from the experts at the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), which offers certification in universal design to provide contractors with the knowledge and training to ensure accessibility in kitchen and bathroom designs
Understand Your Needs
Before starting any remodeling project, take the time to define your needs. Ask simple questions such as:
Understand Structural Mobility Changes
Mobility addresses the ability to move freely in a space. While mobility issues can impact older adults, it is not limited to only the elderly. While you might not need mobility assistance today, take a walk through your home and identify structural items that should be addressed.
Safety First
Stairs pose a considerable hazard for those with decreased mobility. Ensure the first level of your home provides space for sleeping, eating and has at least one full bathroom. Other safety considerations include:
Kitchen Updates For Ease of Use
Cabinets and counter heights, as well as the location of appliances, can improve the cooking experience. Other checklist items include:
Bathroom Best Practices
Adjusting counter and toilet heights are two ways to make bathrooms more accessible. Wall-hung toilets should be approximately two inches higher. A first floor or main floor bathroom should incorporate:
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