5 Steps to Turn Your Passion Into Your Profession
Dr Steve Barlow
Easier Change, Faster Growth: Change Readiness Expert: Change Management & Change Readiness Training
Hi all. Found an excellent article that I am sure many will relate to. Hope you get something useful out of this...
Passion is a funny thing. It keeps you up at night and sparks something deep inside you. It inspires you to try and change the world, or at least make your little corner a bit better.
Your frustrations often reveal your passions. So many people say it would be great if they could just quit their day job and pursue their passion full time, to start a business or write a book or launch a blog. But that’s all it is, talk. To those people, I say: Stop talking about it and do something. Turn your passion into your profession.
Here’s how.
1. Start.
Without getting too much into the psychology of the self-defeating fixed mindset, there is only one way to break this type of thinking: Shut up and act.
Looks like really useful info, eh? Just click the link https://www.success.com/article/5-steps-to-turn-your-passion-into-your-profession to find out more from the horse’s mouth! If you’d like to share perspectives or discuss how it relates to your business, call me on (0404) 056-788 or email me at [email protected].