5 Steps to Transform Intangible Into Tangible
Davide Scalia
Maritime Technical Advisor / Business Strategy Engineer / LinkedIn Top Voice / Speaker / Startup Mentor / Investor / Sales & Marketing Trainer
Do you know that a hamster is more productive than 95% of human beings?
You must be surprised; how is it possible that a hamster inside a cage is more productive than a free person?
It is simple! The hamster remains active and does not delay taking action. When it decides that it is time to run, it jumps on the wheel and gets going.
On the contrary, most of the humans these days have become lazy. Rather than working or implementing their ideas, they keep sitting and thinking about the beauty and uniqueness of ideas they have. Many people have brilliant ideas that could solve many real-life problems, , but the issue is that we do not act upon them.
A hamster’s mind cannot register why humans are so lazy and this is a question you should also ask to yourself.
How Can You Turn Your Ideas Into Reality? All your ideas have the potential to become reality, but only if you make effort to act upon them.
Here are the 5 basic steps to make your dreams come true:
1) Separate “how to put an idea into action” from “deciding if an idea is worth pursuing”
Usually we get confused and overwhelmed by the fact that the decision of pursuing an idea and formulating a plan of action are the tasks that need to be performed together, which is entirely wrong. You first have to decide whether you want to turn your idea into reality and then find out ways or lay out a plan to put it into practice.
2) Get help
Once you have decided to pursue an idea decide to go ahead and do, find out the way to implement it. Also, understand that you may not be able to execute it by yourself, so find out where you may need help and can benefit from others’ knowledge, experiences, or insights.
There is a high probability that someone else has already solved the problems that you are going to face and has figured out how to get things done that you are finding difficult. Rather than wasting your time and energy, find people who can help you.
3) Stay Focused
Once you have made your mind to pursue an idea and have figured out the way to turn it into reality, do not get distracted by other ideas, fears, and others’ opinions. Get focused on your idea and invest your time and energy to make it happen.
4) Do not give up if you fail - Retry!
You may not succeed on the first attempt, but do not give up! As they say, failure is the stepping stone to success. Face your failures, learn from your mistakes, and try again.
5) The darker the night, the nearer the dawn
As Sant’Agostino said, you will be closer to your dream every single day that you work on it. After a period of struggle and doubt you will see that all elements will start to come together and there will come the pivoting moment when you will finally see your dream coming true.
Always remember, everything starts from the decision to follow your ideas and the actions that you take to turn them into reality. Contrary to what most people believe, failure is not the worst thing, giving up is!
So, if you have to choose between living as a lazy and unproductive human and a hamster, decide to be a hamster and own the wheel of your life.
Thank you for reading, I would appreciate hearing your thought on this.
Davide Scalia is the CEO & Founder of Namaka Consulting, with over 15 years of experience in the Marine Industry and over 10 years experience on Strategic Business Development, helping over 500 businesses to clarify what to do next, giving new ideas to obtain an exponential Business Growth.
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