5 Steps to a Successful Online Course Launch

5 Steps to a Successful Online Course Launch

What is an online course launch?

What exactly is a “launch”? A launch is an experience that unfolds from the time your ideal clients discover you, follow your social media, and join your email lists, until the decision to do the deeper work with you and they sign up for your offers.


How does an online launch work?

Before we get to the launch details let’s first address the most critical element of an online launch.



Launching a new course is stressful and in order to remain confident, there are ways to mentally prepare before you put yourself out there. You spend a lot of hard work and effort to create your new course when you decide to launch it means putting yourself out there in a big way, being highly visible. Which comes with intimidating thoughts of what people are going to say or think.

Remember you have something that can help others, the fact that you are going to create a course or have even created the course in the first place deserves acknowledgement. Celebrate yourself for being dedicated to helping others, many people don’t.

Focusing on your mindset before you begin is imperative.

How I like to think about it. It is it is all an experiment. No experiments are failures. There are only questions to answer

What happened?

What are the results?

What will we change next time?

Failure and self-worth are tied together. If your perception is that you failed your brain will make up stories, if you only make a few sales, it wasn’t good enough – meaning your brain will imply you aren’t good enough. Not true.

Stop that before it begins. Your brain is designed to do one thing to keep you safe. It will stop you from putting yourself out there in the first place given your fear of being visible.

Write positive affirmations to improve your mindset before you begin, so that you to train your brain to keep you safe. Remember, it is an experiment, we review the results after not as good or bad, only as what happened.

Online Course Checklist

Follow these 5 Steps for a successful online launch.

Step One:?The trust-building stage. Engage on social media to get interested in what you do.

People discover you by creating content. For your launch event, you offer something exciting that helps your ideal client move one step closer to solving their problem.

First, you must put out your free content and invite people to your free event so that your ideal clients find you and get interested in your offers. A few ways to do this:

  • Video
  • Blogs
  • Podcast
  • Social media posts, text, images

I recommend creating a webinar if it is your first time launching. It is a fast way to grow your email list. Is a once-off event rather than a 5-day challenge event or video series.

Step Two:?The Preparation Stage – Getting People to Sign Up for the Free Event – [Webinar]

During the free event your ideal clients get to see what it is like to work with you, they get to experience your style of teaching. Then they get to decide if they would like to work with you.

To get them to your event they will need to sign up on a landing page. After they get an email with the details to join the event.

It is important to get the messaging and positioning right for the landing page copy and in the pre-event emails. Be super specific about who this free event is for and what benefits they will gain from attending the event

You want to send reminder emails before the big day, people are busy and may forget they signed up. Make these emails high-value content to give them a taste of what they will learn at the live event.


Step Three:?The Mind-Blowing Stage – Deliver Your Webinar

On the big day, people will show up keen to learn from you. This is your opportunity to blow their socks off with your experiences and guide them through a problem they are experiencing. It is a powerful way to enrol your ideal clients into your online course if you have the methodology of how to influence them to see that your course is the next logical step to take.

We know our content, what is important is how to deliver the content so that people buy from you.

Your free event will teach your audience content related to your paid offer, and your course, help them overcome objections and address their limiting beliefs. Done right it is easy for them to take the next step to go deep with you and choose to sign up for your course.


Step Four:?Sales is Serving Stage – Create a Super Fun and Engaging Sales Page

Your sales page is to showcase exactly what your online course is about. Elements to include:

  • Your background story [your origin story] why you do what you do
  • Success stories and testimonials from previous clients
  • Information about your online course – outline of the module and descriptions of what they will learn, and bonuses
  • A button that links to your payment cart to purchase your product

Your ideal clients will read your sales page and decide if your program is what they are looking for to help them solve their problems. Some will make the decision straight away, others will wait. Hence, why the next step is essential to your launch plan process


Step Five:?Nurture to the Last Minute Stage – Captivating Sale Emails

To help those who didn’t buy straight away and those who may have missed the event, after the live webinar you will send a series of emails. These will help your ideal client overcome objections and limiting beliefs they have about joining your course.

To help you write these emails think about

  • What client stories can you tell to show them that people, just like them, have done the course and been successful at overcoming their problems?
  • What additional information do they need about the program?
  • What do they need to hear to help them overcome their objections?
  • How can you help them crush their limiting beliefs?
  • What social proof do you have [numbers?]

Reminder, most people will leave making a decision to the very last minute. You will be surprised how many people will buy on the last day of the launch, hours before the close of your course.


Hence, why it is important to have a closing day and on that last day send 3 emails. It might seem a lot at first, but you will know why i tell you this when you see the sales come in after that last email is sent the hour before the registration deadline..

Keep in mind that 80% of your people will wait until the last couple of hours of your launch to enrol.



When you’re building your online course launch, everything is important.

Remember, you don’t get to pick and choose which parts you want to do and what you will skip. You need all the pieces in place to optimize your launch.

Have you hosted a launch for your programs?

Hope you got some value in this article.

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