5 Steps to a Safe and Secure Holiday Season

5 Steps to a Safe and Secure Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for holiday travel, family, friends, and lots of shopping. Unfortunately, there are many grinches out there who wish to trample our gaiety and merriment!

This holiday season, be on the lookout for suspicious email messages, texts and phone calls. The bad guys know the busy season is the time to catch us off guard.

Whether you're enjoying a cup of coffee at a local shop, in your car, or at the airport, be sure to safeguard your valuables. The grinches are opportunistic, and leaving valuables unattended even for a short period can make you an easy target. To ensure the safety of your belongings and avoid unnecessary stress, please consider the following tips:

  1. Take belongings with you: When stepping away from your table at a coffee shop, any public place, or even your car, take your belongings with you. It only takes a moment for someone to grab an unattended bag or laptop.
  2. Keep valuables out of sight: If you must leave any items in your car, make it a habit to stow them in the trunk before parking. This simple step can significantly reduce the risk of theft.
  3. Power off electronics: Before placing valuables such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones in your car, ensure they are powered off. This not only conserves battery but also adds an extra layer of security.
  4. Lock your vehicle: Always lock your car doors and roll up the windows, even if you'll only be away for a few minutes. Opportunistic thieves look for easy targets, and an unlocked car is an invitation.
  5. Be mindful of your surroundings: Stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings. If you notice any suspicious activity, report it to the appropriate authorities.

Last but definitely not least, report any lost or stolen equipment to your IT and HR teams. Reporting lost or stolen devices allows your team to take immediate measures to secure digital assets.

We hope everyone has a safe, secure, and joyous holiday season!



