5 Steps to Help a Sales Rep be an Effective Executive Within an Enterprise

5 Steps to Help a Sales Rep be an Effective Executive Within an Enterprise

In today’s hyper-connected, crazy-busy business world, the effective sales representative must also be an effective executive. The sales representative meets the test conditions of being an “executive” because he is in control of his time and his contributions have an effect on the performance of the enterprise. Good, or bad.


As the above Venn Diagram shows, the most effective sales executive operates in the “bullseye” area that caters to the needs of all parts of an organization. Today, perhaps more than any other time, the sales professional has in his hands at all times the tools necessary to accomplish this task. This tool is either an iPad or iPhone.

I write in more detail about these five steps to becoming an effective sales executive on my blog, Joelgaslin.com.

Below are the five steps to becoming an effective executive as a sales representative:

  1. Be grateful that you have both the luxury and responsibility to contribute effectively every day.
  2. Understand that effectiveness can be learned and improved.
  3. Protect time as the important, universal asset it is.
  4. Commit to understanding, communicating and delivering opportunities for growth of the enterprise.
  5. Work towards strengths and seek assistance with weaknesses


Today is an exciting time to be a sales representative because there are so many ways to contribute and be effective in an organization. Your iPhone and iPad loaded with all of the latest software offers an easy and intuitive way for you to communicate, do discovery work and be of service to your clients.

By working through the five steps outlined above, there’s still lots of time to make 2016 a year to remember!


