Heal our Wounds for a Better World
Dr. Kevin Osborne MA MDiv.,PsyD., Th.D. (Cand.)
Dean @ St. James | Doctor of Theology Candidate
Father, please heal nations and people divided by anger. Squelch the voices of those who fan the fires of hate.
Mend hurting lives. Bring those to account who harm Your children. Speak to their hearts how much they need to get treatment for the seething hatred that consumes them, and the lives of those they touch with the poison of their tongues, and the power of their fists. Heal the abused before their despair steals away their lives like a thief in the night.
Grant the abused the gift of peace. End the noise of tapes from their past and present that say they are not worth the space they occupy on this earth.
You don’t make junk. Each life has value. Every life has a purpose.
In these uncertain times, help us shine with Your love. Only love will carry us through. Each person doing what he or she can to be there for others is what is needed now more than ever.
The oxygen of hate only leads to igniting more hatred. We are better than that.
We will only defeat the voices of injustice and inequality as we work together. Those who encourage racism are just as guilty as those who practice it.
On November 3rd Americans will have a crucial decision to make. They can either choose the road that leads to a more loving America or one filled with more hatred, more division, more fear, more intolerance.
Father, show us how we can build a more beautiful world. Show us how we can love with a love that gives asking nothing in return.
Make it our mission each day to love others as You call us to love changing one life at a time.
What kind of world do we want to leave for our children? Will there be a world to leave our children? Father, our survival will depend upon the answer we give to those questions. Help us make the right choice.