5 Steps to Flow

5 Steps to Flow

If you’re feeling the impact of a slow summer or like you’re caught in a trough of the wave, this email is for you.

And trust me, after taking the last 4 weeks completely off, I know exactly what it feels like to lose that sense of flow.

So, today I want to share the 5 ways I’m getting back on top and riding the wave again—with ease.

1. Relax

If you're feeling agitated, frustrated, or tense, there's a story behind it. And I’d wager that story goes something like: “I’m behind.”

But here’s the truth, you’re not behind.

One thing I’ve learned from 7 years of entrepreneurship (and 38 years on this planet) is that there’s a time for everything: a time to be ahead and a time to be behind. Resisting this natural rhythm only creates unnecessary tension and suffering.

The secret to a peaceful life and successful business is embracing the ebb and flow. Let go of the fight.

One of my favorite verses from the Tao Te Ching sums this up perfectly:

Do you think you could take over the universe and improve it?

I do not believe it can be done.

Everything under heaven is a sacred vessel

and cannot be controlled.

Trying to control leads to ruin.

Trying to grasp, we lose.

Allow your life to unfold naturally.

Know that it too is a vessel of perfection.

Just as you breathe in and breathe out,

there is a time for being ahead

and a time for being behind;

a time for being in motion

and a time for being at rest;

a time for being vigorous

and a time for being exhausted;

a time for being safe

and a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,

without trying to control them.

She lets them go their own way

and resides at the centre of the circle.

Let your life unfold naturally. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be.

2. Get in Alignment

You’ve probably heard it before: Clarity is King. Well, I’d say Alignment is Queen.

When you’re aligned with who you are, your goals, and your values, everything flows effortlessly. For me, that means living and working in 8-week sprints—6 weeks of focused action, 2 weeks of relaxation.

Here’s my process…:

  • Revisit my values, vision, and mission.
  • Redesign my Perfect Average Day.
  • Set 1-year and 8-week goals for Energy, Work, and Love.
  • Schedule in my non-negotiables and marketing campaigns.
  • Identify my biggest business bottleneck.
  • Choose 1-3 projects to focus on for the next 6 weeks.

The result? Every day, I know exactly where I’m headed and what I’m focused on. No overthinking. No distractions. Just pure, potent focus.

As Steven Covey said: “Most people prioritize their schedule, but the key is to schedule your priorities.”

Are you living in alignment, or are you forcing yourself into someone else’s mold?

3. Cultivate Your Creative Force

One of the quickest ways out of a trough and back into flow is to create.

That’s why every morning, I start my day by Cultivating Creative Force. For me, that looks like shaking, dancing, prayer, and stillness.

In this practice, I’m almost always met with clarity on what I’m meant to create that day. Today, for example, it was this email (which I’ll later repurpose for YouTube and Instagram).

Flow happens when you combine discipline with surrender.

Every day, I wake at 5 a.m., cultivate my creative force, and then surrender to whatever I’m guided to do. That’s where the magic is.

4. Embrace the Mayhem

Our brains crave control. But as long as we give in to that addiction, we’ll keep trying to juggle too many things at once. And that’s a recipe for overwhelm.

The real power comes when you embrace the mayhem.

I remind myself of this every time I feel the urge to check my emails or scroll Instagram. I’ve learned to let go of the need to control everything and focus on the ONE thing that will move my business forward today.

5. Slow Down Time

When you’re stuck in the trough of a wave, it can feel like the world is moving too fast, and you're falling behind. But that’s just fear talking, rooted in a scarcity mindset.

And what I’ve come to see is that when living in fear and lack, it’s not just money that we see a lack of, but everything… including time.?

The result? A frantic energy and focus that jumps from one thing to another.?

Which Alex Hormozi adds,?

“Distractions kills more businesses that competition does”

The antidote? Relax into your natural state of abundance. Slow down. Breathe. Trust.

When you do, time slows down.?

Because when you do, you’ll enter a time warp. Where time slows right down, and you’ll start to see the opportunities right in front of you. And you’ll realise how quickly your life and business can shift.

You’re just one conversation, one piece of content, one call away from a completely different day, week, month, or year.

Slow down. Breathe. Relax. Dance. Trust.?

This is the way. The Elevated Coaching Collective Way.

Keep dancing,


P.S. I shot a video on how I live in flow here if you want to go deeper into the topic.

P.P.S. I have 3 spaces left to work with me on a 1-2-1 basis, and quite a few calls booked over the next week or so. I genuinely don’t know when the next time there will be this opportunity to work with me at this level, so if you’re curious, reply with the word INTERESTED and we can see if its the right fit.?
