5 Steps To Finding Your Path And Walking It

5 Steps To Finding Your Path And Walking It

I love to talk about the opportunity we all have on social media to share our story but do you know yours? Follow these steps and you cant miss it.

  1. Be Honest-

The first step to finding the truth is to admit that you don't already have it.

Albert Einstein was one of the greatest mathematicians the world has ever known. He rewrote human understanding of physics but there is one thing even Einstein wouldn't be able to disprove: a man who thinks he knows.

Einstein had an arsenal of information and truth but the mind of a man who's set in his ways is an impenetrable stronghold that would put Fort Knox to shame.

If you have said in your heart that 2+2=5, even Einstein himself "can't tell you nothin'"

What made ol' Steiny was not his hair. It was his decision to seek the truth. He found it because he followed step one.

2. Be Bored-

In a world where you have access to an unlimited source of entertainment why would anyone choose to be bored?

Mellineals and Gen Z are often confused. Mellineals are the group that grew up when Netflix was a service that allowed you to rent DVD's. They jammed out to CD's, their cellular plan included "minutes" which made calling or texting someone significant.

Are you noticing a trend?

The main difference between 2000 and 2020 can be summed up in one word: "unlimited".

Unlimited sounds great but we will come to realize that it is actually causing a crisis in young people.

Boredom is what leads to action. Boredom rejects patterns and embraces the new and unfamiliar.

3. Be Promiscuous-

So you've put yourself in time out. You turned off the Chumba Wumba, logged off of SnapBook, and unplugged your Oculus Vibe... now what?

From the age of 20-30 years old. your goal in life should be to experience absolutely everything. Indiscriminately throw yourself into every experience you can until you find what you enjoy.

Finding your path is the hardest thing you will do in life because it it requires that you implement the scariest word known to man: change.

The good news is, once you find it, all that's left to do is step 4

4. Enjoy The Process-

Life is not about the end result.

In the same way that you don't listen to a song to hear the final note, life is not about working a 9-5 until your 65 years old so that you can retire.

The way you will know that you've found your path is that there will not be an ulterior motive.

We all want fame and fortune but what would you do if you had it? What if your bills were paid and money wasn't an issue? What would you spend your time doing? That's your path.

5. Be Selfless

The first line in A Purpose Driven Life, a book which has sold over 32 million copies, is "It's not about you."

When you first discover your path, it will be all you think about. That's how you know its your path. You will want to be the greatest that ever was which is good but be careful how you measure your success.

If you measure success by how much money you make, or how famous you become, you will quickly and perpetually become discouraged. Discouragement leads to bitterness and bitterness leads to the one and only fatal mistake: giving up.

If you make it about you, you will never have the endurance to finish the race.

If you make it about others, you will find a sense of responsibility that goes beyond your self.

You are not an accident, you are not a coincidence. There is not, has never been and will never be another YOU in the history of the universe.

You owe it yourself and to everyone in existence to give everything you've got.

Kat Raether

Managing Broker of FNBC Oklahoma

4 年




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