The 5-steps to creating a “Remarkable Vision”

The 5-steps to creating a “Remarkable Vision”

Are your people confused about the direction forward??

Do they seem to ALWAYS do the OPPOSITE of what you ask?

I’m no doctor, but If you answered YES to either question, I can diagnose your problem with 100% certainty.

Your school vision sucks.

The Stoic philosopher said it best:

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”

Put in other words, I say it like this:

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might just end up there.”

People on your staff are confused, do the opposite of what you want, or are disconnected because they lack clarity.

The solution: a “Remarkable Vision.”

Remarkable is defined as “Worth of attention.”

A remarkable vision provides clarity because it is attention worthy.

So how does a school leader create a remarkable vision?

Well, I’m glad you asked :)?

Step 1: Get Out of the Daily Routine

"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."

-Albert Einstein

Back in 2019, 20ish growth minded leaders gathered in Taos, New Mexico for my first ever live event.

Together we explored a concept I created called ““The Remarkable Vision Formula.”

Over 2.5 days we learned, played, laughed, cried, ate great food, and drank fantastic wine …

And 20 leaders left Taos with a draft of their 3-year Remarkable Vision.

Taos has great energy and it’s a beautiful area. It’s home to a World Heritage Site and to one of the most photographed churches – St. Francisco de Asis.

Taos is also home to the Rio Grande Gorge (kinda like a mini Grand Canyon) and the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge which is one of the highest bridges in the USA.

So what does Taos have to do with creating a Remarkable Vision for your school?

It was a break from the normal day-to-day operations of the school leaders in attendance.

It was the perfect place to dream about the future, which is the next step in the process …

Step 2: Visualize the Future

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

-Alan Kay

Visualizing is woo-woo if you want it to be, but it doesn’t have to be.

Psychologist and author Dr. Gia Marson (2021) writes that visualization is “using your imagination to walk yourself through various scenarios as if rehearsing them.” She says it works because it puts you “in the right mindset to overcome life’s challenges and achieve your goals.”

Elite athletes leverage visualization to improve performance.

Actors use visualization to get into character and deliver performances that move us.

Therapists use visualization with clients to help them get unstuck.

And Ruckus Makers use visualization to dream a BIGGER future for their campus.?

But if all you do is dream, that is very woo-woo (and you won’t create any results).

So in the next step we must consider what success looks like …

Step 3: Define Expectations

"The quality of our expectations determines the quality of our action."

-Jean-Baptiste André Godin

When I delegate to members of my team (and do it the right way), I clearly paint a picture of success.

As descriptively as possible and in painstaking detail …

I define success for the project.

When I coach school leaders I emphasize the idea that they are a character to their community. This character has values, things they stand for and against, and so on …

Leaders who get this control the narrative by telling people what to think about them.

Leaders who don’t get this are vulnerable. Their community creates a story about them because of the void that exists.?

And those leaders might not like the story that’s written.

Vision is the same. It’s the story of your school. And if you don’t paint a vivid picture – one that defines success in great detail – well you probably won’t like what you get.

So how do you know you’re on the right track? That’s the next part of the Remarkable Vision Formula …?

Step 4: Seek Feedback

“Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.”

-Kim Collins

You were hired to be a leader, so lead.

One of the biggest mistakes that leaders make when crafting their vision is going to your staff first. It’s a terrible idea and the quickest path to a mediocre vision.

You’ve heard the idiom too many cooks in the kitchen right?

It applies here too. Including everybody (at first) is a mistake because:

  • Believe it or not, everyone isn’t invested or interested in vision work.
  • They lack expertise and training on how to create a school vision.
  • It’s inefficient – Getting everyone involved too early is a way to slow the process down.
  • It gives everyone a voice – Do you really want your worst teacher’s feedback when you first start setting the strategic plan forward?
  • It creates unhelpful conflict. With all the different priorities and agendas out there, how do you plan to come to a consensus. Your staff is not the principal, you are!?

Now, don’t misunderstand me. Everyone’s voice is important. That’s why Step #4 is “Seek Feedback” and why it’s not Step #1.

So you do the work first. Present the DRAFT to your staff. Ask what you missed and what can be improved. Revise your plan and keep repeating this process until you do arrive at a consensus.

With Steps 1-4 done, you can now take action.

Step 5: Implement the Vision

"Ideas are great, but not the greatest."

-Danny Bauer

The only thing better than an idea is ACTION.

That’s because action is what creates results.?

I think this concept is pretty straightforward. I have a whole training on what I call “Remarkable Execution.”

The point I want to emphasize is that you need to put in the work and have a system for tracking your progress.

Most schools hire a consultant and do the hard work to craft a “Vision Statement” that ultimately is never referred to again (except on staff tee shirt day).

That’s one main difference between a vision statement and a Remarkable Vision, but I’ll be talking about that over the next week or so …

Tomorrow, I’ll share the most common mistakes that leaders make when crafting a vision.

Ready to create your “Remarkable Vision”?

I’m hosting a 2-day virtual event (October 7-8) that will help you immediately create your very own Remarkable Vision for their school.

Learn more and register here.


