5-steps to create a remarkable vision and stop playing the vague vision blues ??
Danny Bauer ??????
I help Former Educator Founders Build Legendary Businesses ????♂??? Friend to Ruckus Makers ?????? 3x Best Selling Author ?? TOP 0.5% Podcast Host???
"I got the vague vision blues, baby, the outline’s all a haze ...
Leaders talking in circles, while we're lost in the maze ...
They say "We're moving forward," but don't know left from right ...
Got me spinning in my shoes, in the dim twilight ...
I got the vague vision blues, baby ...There's no hope in sight ..."
Sound familiar?
You can turn it around.
The answer is in creating a “Remarkable Vision” for your school.
Lucky for you, it boils down to just 5-steps.
Step #1 Get out of your routine
Vision work is “deep work.”
And it’s hard to engage in deep work when you're busy putting out fires and have a revolving door or requests because of an “open door” policy.
The Eisenhower Matrix distinguishes between urgent and important.
Ruckus Makers are wise to prioritize SIGNIFICANT work over the tyranny of the urgent.
And to do that, sometimes you need to take a break from business as usual.
I don’t know about you, but I get my BEST ideas when I break out of the normal day-to-day routine.?
When I wrote my first bestselling book, my breakthrough idea “popped” into my head on long walks out in nature with my pup.
Last weekend 16 leaders joined me in Syracuse, NY to do some strategic thinking.?
Why did they come?
A change of scenery is just what these leaders needed to creatively solve the problems they face.
Now if you have the courage to break free (even for 30 minutes) from business as usual, we are on to the next step …
Step #2 Visualize the future
Once you’re out of your routine you can begin to dream about the future.
Top performers in a variety of industries visualize what their ideal future looks like.?
Because …
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might just end up there.”
Visualization is an important step in vision work. It’s active. It’s intentional. It’s saying this is where I want to be in three years.
Visualization is kinda like painting. It might start off a bit fuzzy, but as a painter continues to work, the details come in more and more …
And the picture is clear to both the painter and viewer.
With a vivid vision of an ideal state, next comes how you define success.
Step #3 Define expectations
Part of what makes that painting vivid is defining expectations.
Over and over a leader should consider, “What does success look like at this part of my vision?”
One of the biggest “vision” mistakes I see leaders make is that they define a future goal in fuzzy terms.
It’s as if these leaders have caught a case of the “Vague Vision Blues” and it’s hard to excite people in a jargon filled 2-3 sentence vision statement that has more in common with a Hazy IPA vs crystal clear water.
So if you want to create a crystal clear vision, you have to dig deep and do the work.?
When you invest in The Remarkable Vision Formula you’ll get a bonus … a 5-page document that includes all the categories and questions to consider so you can define expectations vividly.
The clearer you define success, the more likely you’ll get to where you want to go.
This is part of what makes the vision Remarkable. The clearly defined picture of success should be inspiring to you and your community.
To check out that, you’ll have to ask next …
Step #4 Seek feedback
Steps 1-3 is the opposite of how Play-It-Safe-Principals create a vision.
It’s a mistake that’s easy to avoid, but far too common in reality.
Do not include your entire staff early in the process.?
You’re a leader. So lead.
When creating a Remarkable Vision, a Ruckus Maker actually does this work first on their own. But they don’t stay there.
In Step 4, you bring your draft vision to your team. You present where you think the school is going over the next three years. You define what success looks like.
And you ask, “What did I miss? What can be improved?”
Take notes on what you hear and revise your vision.
Repeat this process until you hear from your staff, “Yeah, that’s it.”
When you hear that. You are good to go.
Now it’s time to implement.
Step #5 Take action
Most schools craft a vision and then file it away.
It is a meaningless task checked off a to-do list, posted on a website, and never referred to again.
What a waste of time and energy!
A Remarkable Vision is different – it is THE FILTER for ALL decisions and aligns ALL the actions on your campus.?
The Remarkable Vision is real because you use it to create results and progress you can be proud of.
I love to say that “Ideas are great, but not the greatest.”
The only thing better than an idea is action.
Do the hard work of crafting a Remarkable Vision. Then do the hard work of making it a reality. I promise, you’ll be pleased with what you see.
Ready to elevate the learning experience on your campus?
The Remarkable Vision Formula: A Guided School Leader Retreat will increase the energy on your campus, align the actions of your team, and elevate the learning experience for all your students.