5 Steps for communicating innovation within your company

5 Steps for communicating innovation within your company

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Transformation needs good communication????

Change management helps companies to successfully implement innovative changes. Comprehensive communication is particularly important to ensure that these are accepted and supported by employees. The following example from the field of corporate learning shows how this works and offers you a comprehensible 5-step-structure.

1. Create awareness of the problem

The first step on the path to change is usually to recognize a current problem and create awareness of its urgency. Heike Streubel is the integration officer at Gegenbauer and the driving force behind the development of suitable language training for foreign employees. Not an easy task! After all, the facility management provider employs around 20,000 people from over 100 nations at more than 40 locations throughout Germany. Traditional classroom training is not practicable due to different working hours (including shift work), changing work locations and heterogeneous prior knowledge. So a new solution had to be found.

2. Develop and communicate a vision for the solution


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Case Study: Language training at Gegenbauer company ??

As the example of Gegenbauer company shows, a comprehensive communication can contribute significantly to the acceptance and success of employee training. In the best case, the exchange with the stakeholders involved should already begin in the early project development and then be continued throughout all phases of the training. The successfull language training at Gegenbauer has won the eLearning AWARD 2020.

Read the full case study

Kostenlose Webinare für HR und L&D ??

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?? Eine bequeme M?glichkeit, sich über aktuelle Trends und wichtige Herausforderungen zu informieren und mit anderen Experten Erfahrungen und Meinungen auszutauschen.

?? Anhand von erfolgreichen Praxisbeispielen bei der Deutschen Post DHL und Allianz SE werden wir grundlegende Fragen zum Thema Micro Learning beantwortet und die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für digitales Lernen analysiert.

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Hier die Links zu den jeweiligen LinkedIn-Events:

?? Erfolgsfaktoren für digitales Lernen im Unternehmen (27.06.) https://www.dhirubhai.net/events/webinar-erfolgsfaktorenf-rdigit7207012000458010624/

?? Micro Learning - Vorteile und M?glichkeiten, am Beispiel Deutsche Post DHL (04.07.) https://www.dhirubhai.net/events/webinar-microlearning-vorteileu7209557986120220673/

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