5 Steps to Build Your Brand with Email Marketing

5 Steps to Build Your Brand with Email Marketing

These days I'm learning so much about email marketing. When you are just starting learning about it, It's kind of hard because there is a lot of information out there. If you're like me, trying to figure out where to start and how to build brand with email marketing, here are 6 #simple but super #powerful steps ??????

1. Develop email marketing strategy. 

It looks like this.

When you're getting those emails you need to tell your subscribers who you are by introducing yourself. Bring them some value through articles, videos or podcasts and then you can try to sell them your product or service.

2. You must learn copywriting

Everything has to be on point.

The most important things are ?subject lines

?mail letter

?landing page (to which they move after clicking on a link in your email)

3. A subject line is crucial.

As my mentor was telling me your headline is 50% of success.

You need to think about engaging subject lines that even you would like to click at.

4. Play with peoples emotions.

As you know people buy emotionally not logically.

You want them to feel happiness, fear, anger, scarcity and so on.

5. 2 Main types of emails.

Content emails - where you bring value through audio, video or text


Sales emails - when you show your subscribers what product or service you've got for them and want them to buy it.

Hope I gave you an idea how email marketing works and you're going to implement this in your business.

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