5 Steps For Beginners Guide To Read
I never read any books in school since I detested reading, and I also never read my textbooks because I couldn't remember anything I read.?I couldn't read any book after 12th grade, had a limited vocabulary, and couldn't speak. Then, slowly but surely, I began working on it, and today, in less than three years, I have read more than 80 books, which is a huge accomplishment for me.?
I started reading for the first time in my freshman year of college. It's important to remember that it's never too late to learn something new, no matter how old you are.
In this post, I'll give you some fundamental tips on how to start reading if you don't like it and want to improve your reading skills.?
Start By Reading Quotes And Paragraphs?
This may seem foolish but if you start doing this then you will start liking the sentences and you will develop a habit of reading (even if it is small sentences).?
Before I started reading I also did the same I started with quotes and then small paragraphs and it steadily gave me the interest to start reading.?
Some books you can start with: dance first think later
Nothing is worth more than this day?
It always seems impossible until it’s done?
Here, our main objective is to start reading.?
Start Listening To Audiobooks?
After following the first step you can start listening to audiobooks, now how reading is related to listening? So when you start listening to the books you will get the essence of books, And I am not saying to listen 2-5 hrs of audiobooks?
You can find lots of 20-30mins of audios on youtube or different book application?
Start Reading Book Summaries?
Now start reading summaries, this will not take more than 10mins and it will give you the gist of the book but remember {summaries won’t give you the full knowledge of the book, Summaries are the point of view from someone else}?
So to get the full knowledge of something you have to start doing that on your own then you can create your perspective.?
Start Reading What You Love?
This should be the first point but, as you know this post is for them those who just want to start reading, anyways…?
Now, this point has no rules, start reading whatever you want whether it is a fitness magazine, storybooks, blogs, summaries, reviews, harry potter, lord of the rings, anything you want, anything you love regardless of the genre or the book type.?
Create An Environment?
"To create or break a habit you need to create an environment first"
Keep your books in front of you where your sight goes easily, and keep your distractions away! Keep your phone on silent and place it in your next room or where you can’t see your phone easily.?
Keep your book beside you while going to bed and read something good before sleeping instead of scrolling down on your phone.?
Some books to begin with:?
1. Who moved my cheese?
2. The secret?
3. How to win friends and influence people?
4. The rudest book ever?
5. Ikigai?
Remember: your goal shouldn’t be to read a book a day(initially) but to read daily and consistently.?
Dont give excuses, just start reading Even if it is a page or a single paragraph, Reading is the only habit which never disappoints you and it’s one of the best habits you could develop.?