5 Steps to Achieving Organizational Excellence

5 Steps to Achieving Organizational Excellence

Excellence is a Journey

Let's be clear - we are talking about Excellence, not Perfection.

Perfection exists as a concept, but not as a practical reality. Good leaders encourage people to strive for excellence, not perfection. If you always wait for perfection nothing will ever get done. “Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing." - Harriet Braiker (Psychologist and Author),

At its most basic, Perfectionism can lead to procrastination, and paralysis in making decisions and taking action (evidence demonstrates that perfectionism can also lead to both mental and physical disorders - see Ref 1 below).

“Ring the bells that still can ring; Forget your perfect offering; There is a crack in everything; That’s how the light gets in.– Leonard Cohen, Anthem

Here is a simple, memorable 5-A framework to assist you in your journey - step-by-step , day-by-day.

Step 1

Achievement – Keep working on:

  • Continuous Learning - learn from the best and make it even better
  • Continuous Improvement - be Proactive and keep lifting bars on Standards

Step 2

Adventure – Keep working on:

  • Thinking on your feet –seeking novel solutions to challenging problems and opportunities
  • Outrageous ideas - daring to dream and daring to do
  • Innovation - making a difference through creativity and effective Implementation

Step 3

Affiliation – Keep working on:

  • Teamwork - trusting and caring for each other
  • Network -forming local and international partnerships for mutual benefit
  • Commitment – enhancing every relationship to the highest level possible

Step 4

Accountability – Keep working on:

  • Responsibility - doing more with less
  • Trust and Respect – keeping an unblemished record of keeping every promise made
  • Professionalism – taking ownership of every individual’s actions that concern all stakeholders and the community at large

Step 5

Acknowledgement – Keep working on:

  • Mutual Respect -respecting one another, showing appreciation and giving credit when and where due
  • Customer Focus -valuing and appreciating all feedback and contributions

Ref: 1: https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6433354703693844480



In his early career, Josh was responsible for leading Innovation and Process Transformation within Philips, which involved the interception and integration of leading edge technologies in order to secure and sustain product and market leadership.

Josh’s work took him across Europe - developing and facilitating multi-nation, multi-function and multi-cultural teams, made up of outstandingly talented individuals.

In his subsequent career - working as a Leadership Coach and Transformation Catalyst with heads of multinational conglomerates, owner managers and key staff at all levels - Josh has helped well over one hundred organizations, of all types and sizes, and from both the public and private sectors, secure significant successes in Key Areas of their Operations.

Over the past decade Josh has been spending an increasing percentage of his time ‘Giving back’ - mostly but not exclusively to unemployed and under-employed graduates and senior executives within the voluntary sector.


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