The 5 step guide to beating negative thoughts
Nick Cramp
Coach | Facilitator | Optimist - Challenging leaders to embrace a Better Before Bigger mindset
Would you like to take your business to the next level, but are unsure how best to do this?
If you want some fresh ideas and tested frameworks that can help you improve your company for the future, I have created this newsletter for you.
It is often the case that you cannot move beyond your current targets, because your methodology has not changed. What got you here most probably won’t get you there. Therefore, I encourage ambitious leaders to rethink their growth, so they can explore exciting new possibilities.
This isn’t about quick fixes. I want to guide you towards sustainable success, but to do this you have to get better before you can get bigger.
The 5 step guide to beating negative thoughts
Beyond running a business, one of the great challenges is replacing a negative mindset with positivity.
Culture polarises people’s attitudes, labelling them optimists or pessimists. This is a major simplification, as most folk have aspects of both in their character.
Optimism tends to be viewed more favourably, and in a business context, is the hope and willpower that leads to progress. Despite this, resolutely believing that everything will be fine all of the time, leaves your spirits and organisation vulnerable. Instead of pessimism, I like to think of these grounding thoughts as realism. Believe the worst too much and you will be restricted by it, but planning for less desirable scenarios is not a waste of time.
In this article, I will suggest some ways you can balance these attitudes and approach things with a more productive mindset.
A limiting mindset – Negativity
Limiting beliefs are personal obstacles we create. For example, if you fear public speaking, this can be a very real anxiety for you, but with planning and practice you can improve the situation. Aside from realism, limiting beliefs are unnecessary worries that inhibit our personal and organisational progress.
These restrictors are caused by either a lack of clarity, or a lack of confidence. If you’re unsure of how thing should work, or are missing some of the finer detail, this is easily remedied. Find out the information you need and you will need and apply this to the situation. Confidence is more difficult achieve, as it often stems from a less rational, more emotional cause and must be nurtured carefully. Generally, greater clarity breeds increased confidence.
Here are some examples of limiting beliefs you might have encountered:
Leadership – Do I have the right personal traits to lead my company successfully?
Performance – Is my business functioning to best of its ability, or underachieving?
Scaling – What might happen if my company takes the next steps; is it at risk?
External influence – What factors, such as market conditions, might affect the business?
If any of these doubts resonate with you, what follows is a way to reframe them…
A missing element – Pragmatism
The crux of tacking what worries you is working out what’s controllable and what’s uncontrollable.
Controllable issues can be solved and consequently shouldn’t trouble us. Just add them to the to do list. Uncontrollable issues, such as the external influences mentioned above also should not consume our thoughts. If there’s nothing we can do about them, then what’s the point in getting nervous?
I understand this may sound easier said than done, but the trick is realising that not all problems have a solution. There are some things that you have to concede aren’t satisfactory and make your peace with that. I am speaking particularly about the uncontrollables.
Assuming a more pragmatic approach can sometimes be better, even if precise planning always seems the more assured path. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
A different perspective – Empowering beliefs
What follows is my strategy for turning limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs, that will instil you with a more proactive, positive mindset moving forwards:
1.?Isolate – Work out what worries you specifically. This might sound like common sense, but troubling thoughts can often seem abstract and confused the more you sit on them.
2.?Locate – Discover what the root cause is. What is actually creating this limiting belief on a practical level? Who or what is making you feel this way?
3.?Visualise – Consider what would improve if this issue was resolved. What could you attain if this doubt was removed?
4.?Commit – Dedicate specific time to rectifying this issue. Without this commitment, you are likely to procrastinate. Make yourself responsible for tackling it.
5.?Embed – Build your familiarity with the thing that once worried you. Practice it. Make it part of your everyday routine. Once it’s been normalised, you will find that your confidence is enhanced and you are realising the better scenario you visualised.
Limiting beliefs are a natural part of life, but giving yourself the framework to work through it, whether you find the definitive solution or not, is the key. Letting your doubts and worries consume you will only make them more likely to come true.
As a leader of a business you will likely have a number of challenges to negotiate. Don’t let your limiting beliefs get in the way of addressing the actual challenges your business needs to solve.?
If you know anyone might benefit from the content of this article, please share it with them and encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter. My aim is to help as many people create the businesses they have always wanted.?
Hello, I’m Nick Cramp. I’ve been working as business owner and coach now for around three decades.
During this time, it often occurred to me that many leaders feel unfulfilled by their work, which seemed a pity given the amount of time and effort they have invested. I wanted to change this, so have created and collected a selection of the best strategies for business improvement.
My main mantra is that an organisation must get better before bigger. The reason for this is that without the optimal people, processes and systems, you have no springboard to reach that next level and cope.
In 2021, I published my book Better before Bigger – Rethinking Business Success, which alongside my coaching and courses, outlines a holistic approach to running a thriving company.
I want to guide ambitious leaders towards the best practices and results, so their reality can align with their ambitions.
Book a FREE, no commitment Introductory Call with me if you are interested in discussing whether I may have the solutions to your challenges. ?
Check out my website if you would like to find out more about me and the services I offer.
Take the Next Level Scorecard for a more insightful perspective of your company, to inform future decision-making.
Follow this link to my book if you are interested in finding a practical guide to taking your business to the next level.
Coach | Facilitator | Optimist - Challenging leaders to embrace a Better Before Bigger mindset
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