The 5 Soul Wound 4.The wound of Betrayal
Cindy Theodore
Cindy is a 20th generation Shaman, New Earth Leader, a leader who leads leaders, supporting Old Souls, Empaths, Highly Sensitives; anyone ready to be introduced to their infinite true self.
“The Masochist finds satisfaction and even pleasure in suffering. Therefore, they subconsciously seek pain and humiliation." Lise Bourbeau
After having devoted a first article to the wound of?REJECTION, a second to that of?ABANDONMENT, a third to?HUMILIATION, I suggest that you continue today this series on childhood traumas that prevent adults from being fully happy, despite many efforts.
Topic of the day: the wound of BETRAYAL.
Thanks to a very detailed description of this "wound of the soul" which occurs in early childhood, between 2 and 4 years old, to repeat itself, unconsciously, throughout life, Lise Bourbeau invites us to become aware of its reality, of its concrete consequences on the level of the Unconscious, to accept it and, why not, to work to cure it in order to achieve fulfilment, by authorising oneself to be oneself. I propose to highlight some of the signs and symptoms of what we could qualify as "pathological".
As soon as a person suffering from an act of betrayal encounters a circumstance, a discussion, likely to remind him of this violent feeling, he will tend to resort to wearing a societal mask well known to psychiatrists: the abusive Controller.
If Lise Bourbeau's book has allowed the general public to open up to this question, the true pioneer of research on the wound of betrayal and its psychological consequences is the Austrian psychiatrist, pupil of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich.
Through my job as a Trance healer, I have been led to study the mechanism of emotions and untreated childhood wounds. I have noticed that the simple fact of becoming aware of the mechanisms at work helps people to better understand their patterns of suffering and those of those around them and, why not, to overcome them.
Awakening of the wound
The betrayal wound is a trauma that awakens in children between the ages of 2 and 4 years old. According to Lise Bourbeau, the "responsible" is generally the parent of the opposite sex. A parent who has, at one time or another, perhaps without even realising it, devalued or mistreated their child. The latter felt that this parent, with whom he had a close relationship, suddenly broke their bond. In order to protect themselves, to create an armour in the event of a recurrence, the little boy or girl then develops, unconsciously, a defence mechanism. He will now wear the Controller's mask. These people, in adulthood, often had, or still have, a strong Oedipus complex.
The resulting attitude is not pleasant either for the person who suffers or for those around him.
| Whatever the circumstance that leads the child to feel that his parent has failed, when the wound is revealed, it permanently modifies the emotional apparatus of the child |
Recognising the Controller
On a physical level
Over the years, growing up, the “controller” will develop a body that will inspire a feeling of strength and solidity. Men who suffer from this soul wound will have particularly broad shoulders and a rather bulging chest. For women, we will observe hips wider than the shoulders.
On a psychic level
The Controller's Greatest Fear
His biggest fear is separation. He is both afraid of being betrayed and of being seen as a traitor. Controllers tend to attract unstable, non-committal relationships. They regard any promise as very serious, immutable. A disengagement is unthinkable for him. He therefore prefers not to commit, rather than having to break an oath one day. If he ends up getting involved, in a marriage for example, he will choose a “controllable” partner, who he is “certain” will not leave.
The fear of reliving the betrayal of childhood dominates the controller. The need for absolute control remains until he becomes aware of it and works to improve himself. The risk being to permanently scare away those around him, who can no longer bear to suffer his mood swings and let's be clear about his "bad temper".
How to heal this need for compulsive control?
How do you apprehend a loved one who is suffering from betrayal?
Living alongside a controller is not easy. Quite the contrary. It can be real hell. The good news is that this attitude is not set in stone. Nothing is impossible with a valiant heart, so take the bull by the horns, speak kindly with your controller, confront him/her with his/her own contradictions, until he/she understands. If you really find that despite your efforts, he (she) does not move one iota, simply move away, temporarily or permanently, from him (her).
In this short video below, a trance healing session to help you with your wound of betrayal. Of course this is just a way to help you start this specific?cleansing?journey.
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You can join Cindy's?monthly?Women Sacred healing circle?for deep healing experiences at the Light centre London Belgravia.