5 Simple, Yet Unconventional Ways, To Practice TRUE Self-Care (The Not So Obvious Secrets)

5 Simple, Yet Unconventional Ways, To Practice TRUE Self-Care (The Not So Obvious Secrets)

How can you pour from an empty cup??The answer is, you can’t. So how do you keep your cup full? Take care of yourself - first. All of the exposures to your mind and body are often quick and “get the job done”.?What would happen if time was scheduled, care was taken and you could breathe?

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Taking care of oneself first is frequently represented as selfish. Taking excellent care of ourselves is so much more than self-care. It's about being the greatest possible version of ourselves for our family, friends, coworkers, and being polite to people we encounter.

The most common misconception is that resting and relaxing are a waste of time. I used to believe the same thing. However, beginning with little things like massages or facials on occasion then pedicures monthly, it became clear that I had more energy and patience to face life's difficulties. Then it became a way of life for me.

A wise woman once said to me, “after me, you are first”.?A nice way of reminding yourself that you need time too.?We're putting our needs and our wants at the same level as those of others. We're taking care of ourselves so that we can better take care of others.

Women tend to drain their cups by pouring into others and neglecting themselves. Women, on average, put themselves last owing to their numerous responsibilities at home and in the workplace. Women are often accused of being self-indulgent when it comes time for self-care. I invite you to contemplate a different reality. What if women who took time to care for themselves to be successful in business, become better leaders, parents, and corporate citizens as a result.

And self-care is not just for women.?Men benefit tremendously from self-care by being better fathers, providers, and leaders. While activities may vary for men, relaxation and rejuvenation give men the opportunity to be better in all areas of their lives too. It's also just as important for kids and teens to take time for themselves. They need time to relax and recharge so that they can better deal with the stress of school and life.

What are some innovative and unexpected ways to practice self-care that aren't covered in the typical self-care instructions?

Here are 5 unusual secrets for self-care, as well as simple methods to get started:

1. Schedule time for yourself each day. This doesn't have to be a lot of time, but it is the most important meeting you will have all day. Just 10 or 15 minutes is enough. During that time, do something that you enjoy. Read a book, take a bubble bath, listen to music, or take a walk.

2. Be careful what you put in your body, on your body, and in your mind. This is juicy, and I got it from a wise friend. When you don't know what to do, eating healthily and exercising are just trite words. Eat whole foods, read labels (if you can’t pronounce what is in the list of ingredients, put it back on the shelf), shop the perimeter of the store.?What you put on your body is just as important.?As we have seen before, the same criteria apply if you consume it. Finally, what you think about is crucial. Having positive affirmations that you can repeat frequently will aid in keeping your thoughts clear and focused.??

3. Getting enough sleep is a pipedream for most because it is not put in the proper context. Sleep is probably the number 1 self-care ritual that is ignored.?Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night, but many of us don't get that much. When we're tired, we're more likely to get sick, have accidents, and make mistakes. Getting enough sleep is crucial for our health and well-being.

4. Take time for yourself and by yourself. For the most part, we live in a constant barrage of noise, and connecting with our inner being is not something that we do often.?The weekends or early mornings are great times to “be” with ourselves.?Breathe deeply and take in nature with your favorite beverage.?Reconnect with the world.?

5. Use your vacation time to your advantage; don't lose it. It's fascinating that people don't take advantage of their holidays to relax and recuperate. It is beneficial to your emotional, psychological, and professional well-being.

Self-care is crucial for our physical and emotional wellbeing. It's about taking care of ourselves in order to be the best version of ourselves. We're not being selfish when we take time for ourselves. We're looking after ourselves so that we can better look after others.

If you're not taking time for yourself, I encourage you to start today. Fill your cup and then you can be there for others.?Remember the phrase, “after ME, You are first”


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