5 simple work from home tips that will increase your productivity and keep you focused
Chris Calderone
Reinventing Health Insurance by Providing Cost-Effective Benefit Plans
1. Begin your days as if you were going into the office
Yes, that means changing out of your pj’s into normal clothes! When you keep your normal routine, you are keeping that professional mindset of "going" into work.
2. Have a dedicated work-space
Whether you are working from an office, a desk, or your kitchen table – pick a spot (or two) in your house where you can carry out your work in the most productive manner.
3. Know your distractions and manage them the best you can!
The kitchen, your spouse, roommate, partner, parents, your children, the TV, the news, your cell-phone can all cause distractions within your workday.
· There are many distractions you can control like keeping the TV off or stopping yourself from going to the fridge every 5 minutes
(trust me, nothing new will magically appear).
· Communicate with your family the times when you are "in the office" so they know not to distract you during those hours.
· Alternate shifts in taking care of the kids with your spouse so both of you can have uninterrupted work time.
4. Create a schedule
Just like if you were going into the office, create your DAILY TO-DO LISTS on what you need to accomplish for the day and don’t forget to take a LUNCH BREAK!
For those with children, creating a visual schedule together as a family can create structure throughout the day – check out this poster board one mother made for her family.
5. Stay Connected
Check in daily with your fellow co-workers to see how they are doing! Have questions for your co-workers? Mix it up by reaching out to them on chat, video call or phone call.