5 Simple Truths About Breathwork to Access Calm and Reduce Stress
Shirley Eichenberger (née Archer), JD, MA
Promoting Health through Self-Awareness, integrative health educator & journalist, mindfulness expert, wellness visionary, longevity and healthy aging, best-selling author, speaker and nature lover.
Your breath is your gateway to your nervous system.
If you ever feel stressed, overwhelmed, or not at ease, you are likely in fight-or-flight.
An easy technique that will bring you out of fight-or-flight and into a sense of calm is slow-paced breathing. Inhale for 6 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds. Do this 5 times for one minute.
This is a great way to activate the "rest and digest" part of your nervous system.
Consistent practice, up to ten minutes, three times a day, has been shown to reduce hypertension, hot flash symptoms, and all manner of stress-related issues.
In this week's video, I share 5 simple truths every person must know if they want to harness the power of breathwork to access calm.
Ready to jump in? Don’t forget to download my free e-guide and start to Anchor New Habits for Lasting Success! Inside, I give you tips and tools to identify and solidify habits so they actually stick!