5 Simple Steps To Tell A Thrilling Tale
5 Simple Steps To Tell A Thrilling Tale

5 Simple Steps To Tell A Thrilling Tale

If you want to turn your expertise into cash then there’s a critical skill that you need to master: storytelling!

People crave a great tale and they will buy from the guy who can tell them one.

The good news is that storytellers are not born… they are made. In this post I’m going to show you…

Let’s look at each of these in turn and see how they fit together to tell an inspirational story.

Step #1. Setting

Every story takes place at a specific time in a specific location. Your job as the storyteller is to transport the reader to that place and time, to be sitting or standing next to you. By using elements from their life you bring the reader with you. This does not need to be long. My favourite story introduction is from a Paul Simon song:

I was having a conversation in a taxi heading downtown. Me and a friend of mine had a little bit of a breakdown.

In 2 sentences Paul Simon has started a story and made me want to know more. I’m sat there in the taxi with him curious to know what he’s arguing about. In the picture in my mind he is heading into New York. That’s because of the word downtown. But that’s just the picture in my mind.

Think of short, simple and powerful ways that you can start a story that will transport the reader to a specific place and time.

Step #2. Characters

Every story has at least one character. If there is just one character then this will also need to be the Hero of your story.

To make the Hero interesting he needs to want something badly.

Your audience will only care about the Hero if they can see themselves in his struggle to get what he wants. Maybe the Hero and the audience want the same thing. Maybe they are going through the same struggle.

Step #3. Struggle

What is the obstacle that prevents the Hero from getting what he wants.

This is what makes the story interesting. This is what hooks the reader for the length of a book or a movie or a TV series.

People hate living through the struggle of removing obstacles in their own life and they love reading about how other people do it.

Fiction is full of stories of struggle and success. And if you’re able to tell true stories of struggle and success then you will inspire your community of raving fans to do the same.

Step #4. Solution

Ultimately, this is what you are selling. The shortcut way to remove the obstacle from your communities’ lives.

You don’t need to tell them too much about what the solution is because they only care about what the solution will do for them.

Step #5. Outcome

What does the Hero’s life look like now the obstacle has been removed?

This is where your skills as a storyteller come into play. You need to share with your community what the solution has given you in your life. If you’ve removed stress from your life by doing what you love and only doing the things that support your mission and values then tell your community how that feels.

If the solution has given you time to travel then show them where you’ve been.

Storytelling is about showing the reader what you saw and how you felt in a specific moment. Be courageous and share the full spectrum of emotions with your community now that you have achieve the outcome that you desired.

So there you have it. The 5 steps to tell a thrilling tale. Please take the time to go through this process and use it to tell inspiration personal stories so you can turn your expertise into cash.

Remember: knowledge only becomes power when you use it. That’s why I’m determined to help you use this information.

If you found this useful then please leave a comment below. If this can help someone you know then please share it with them.

Carpe diem

Roland Eva

P.S. If you’d like the complete system to turn your expertise into cash then please click the link below to download your free copy of my new ebook: How to turn expertise into cash.

The book gives you my simple 5-step system to turn expertise into cash. With this system, I’ve made £672,989 in just 9 days! And you can too when you know how. So, click the link below to grab your free copy.

How To Turn Expertise Into Cash


About The Author

Roland Eva is a copywriter and marketing trainer, mentor and consultant.

For the last 5 years, Roland has helped authors, coaches, mentors and trainers in the property and business opportunity markets to fill seminars and sell high-end programs ranging from £1,000 to £6,000. Many campaigns have made over £500,000 in just 9 days. Roland has done this through what he calls value first marketing. Value first marketing builds trust by giving upfront value, before giving your community the opportunity to work with you further.

Roland’s marketing journey began when he lost his first business, a photography and graphic design studio. The pain of watching his business die slowly motivated him to discover a proven system to find your perfect prospect, earn their trust through value first marketing and persuade them to buy, by telling true stories that inspire people to change their life.

Today Roland’s mission is to prevent every business owner from suffering through the same pain as he did. Roland wants to take them on the ecstatic ride that comes with having a proven system to turn leads into customers and expertise into cash.

As a consultant, Roland works on a no win, no fee basis so you don’t risk a penny. As he says this makes the cash register ring or it’s free, simple as that!

To contact Roland please email him on: [email protected]


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