5 simple quotes from Elon Musk that’ll change your perspective on entrepreneurship
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Elon Musk is a funny character. There’s no denying that. From changing his official title to “Technoking” of Tesla to bizarrely hosting an episode of Saturday Night Live, the once richest man in the world has much more going on for him than a pair of deep pockets.
However, not everything around Elon is extravagant or bizarre. After all, the man didn’t achieve what he did by chance. Behind his singularity and oddness lies a brilliant mind from which we could all learn from.
So, in this article, we’ll focus on 5 of his most renowned quotes to do just that. Enjoy the read!
1. “I'd rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right.”
As simple and naive this phrase may sound, it delves deep into an essential quality every entrepreneur absolutely has to have: perseverance.
For Elon, undertaking a new project, starting a company, or launching a product to the market is about defying the status quo. This means going against the flow, even if it drags you with it. Transformation doesn’t happen in the blink of an eye, and Elon knows that well.
After all, what are the chances of colonizing Mars in the next 50 years? What about building massive transportation tubes for people to travel around the world? Not many, right? Musk doesn’t care. That’s what he envisions for the future, so he set his mind to achieve it.?
He might achieve it, he might not. But in his mind, he truly believes he will. And clearly, the world values his efforts.
2. “Great companies are built on great products.”
Elon has no doubt about what a company’s priorities should be. You can have a great team, creative marketing, or compelling branding; but if you don’t have a good product, all those things don’t really matter.
In other words, it is the utility and value of what you produce that will make you grow and succeed.
What constitutes a good product? If we see things from Elon Musk’s perspective, we could say that it is their capacity to transform people's lives.?
From finding humanity a new planet to call home to facilitating digital payments or long-distance transportation, all of his companies’ have clear mission statements and their products address specific issues, both on a small and global scale.
3. “I think that's the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.”
If Elon tells you you’re about to hear the single best piece of advice, you listen. And it’s not surprising he chose that phrase in particular. It’s not only business-related. It's a life lesson for self-improvement.
This quote is all about the improvement process. Seeking perfection is a nice motivation to have because it’s unachievable, so it’ll keep you focused at all times. If you dedicate some time every week to assess your methods, processes, and approaches; you’ll always find room for improvement.
The second part of the sentence is about shaking off our biases. It’s crucial for entrepreneurs to keep in mind that, even when they’re successful, they can still be wrong and make mistakes. Questioning yourself will allow you to have a broader perspective on things, and approach challenges in a more efficient manner.
More importantly, it will make you see the greater value of your team’s opinions, who will appreciate your consideration.
4. “I don't create companies for the sake of creating companies, but to get things done.”
What a funny thing to say, right? We don’t think anyone creates companies just for the sake of creating companies. However, this sentence makes a lot of sense on a deeper level.
First of all, think of the great responsibility running a company entails. If you decide to undertake and get started, you need to commit. There are legal procedures, financial implications, and as soon as you hire your first employee, your company will also become a critical part of that person’s life. After all, it’ll bring food to their table.
That responsibility may come with significant pressure, and that pressure will push you to actually do what needs to be done. In other words, raising the stakes may be risky, but it’ll keep you motivated.
Secondly, this quote is an acknowledgement of something many entrepreneurs, startup founders, and incipient CEOs are unwilling to admit: you can’t do it alone.
Assembling a team that shares your views, interiorizes your company’s mission, and makes its goals will make a monumental difference in the road to success.
5. “If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.”
There’s no hidden secrets in this one. It’s pretty straightforward: companies are complex. When you set out to create your own business, you have to have a clear plan on many different dimensions.
What are these “ingredients” Elon is talking about? From the most basic, like a budget, workforce, product, and equipment; to the most complex, like licenses, patents, or partnerships; there’s dozens of factors to consider.
Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t! Starting a company is cumbersome, but if you surround yourself with the right people, you will travel much lighter.?
After all, kitchens have a chef, but they also have cooks that help manage and correctly use all the ingredients you need to “bake the cake.”
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