5 Simple Low Cost Marketing Ideas
If you’re a business marketer, here are some marketing tips you should consider for your next marketing plan. Whether you are putting together the plan yourself, as part of a marketing team or your organisation has a marketing supplier who helps you on a regular basis; these are all basic items that are worth considering as part of your marketing agenda.
1. Google – account and free tools
There are a number of free Google tools available and if you are thinking of using more than one, then consider signing up for a free Google account. By doing so, all of the Google tools that you use can be accessed via one unique login for your business/organisation.
Google Analytics
(https://www.google.com/analytics/) –
Analytics is a program that can help you understand what keywords are being used to find your website, what the most popular pages in your site are and how many people visited your website over a period of time. It’s easy to use and provides the data in a number of ways.
2. Local Business Centres
People are becoming more sophisticated in the way they use search engines and in particular, are narrowing the way that they search for goods and services in their specific local area. Why search for a cleaner in ‘Melbourne’ when you really want someone who lives around the corner from you, in ‘Preston’ for example? So, if your business suits a very local and specific target audience, then having a local business centres listing is worthwhile. Here are two to get you started.
You may have previously known this as Google Business Center or Google Places – if so, it is worth revisiting your listing to check that you have utilised all that is available to you.
Registering with Yahoo Localworks gets your organisation listed with multiple local directories at once for a minimal cost. Great for time and cost saving if you’re keen to ensure a strong local online presence.
3. Referral Networks
There are a number of websites that have been specifically set up to link buyers and sellers of products and services. Some sites are completely free for both the seller and buyer; some charge the seller to receive leads whilst others operate more on a territory based model. If nothing else, most are free to join which makes them worth investigating further.
Whatever industry you’re in, chances are there’s at least one referral site tailored to your organisation.
4. Word of Mouth Referrals
There is no doubt that word of mouth referrals are an essential part of the marketing of any small business. They aren’t a newfangled strategy, but they are still among the most effective marketing strategies around. Refer a friend bonuses and affiliate programs can boost your word of mouth referrals for your organisation.
5. Free PR
SourceBottle (www.sourcebottle.com.au) is a website that enables journalists to post alerts to the SourceBottle database about information they require for stories that are being published in various parts of the media.
For small business owners and marketers, it’s free to join and gives you a direct way to liaise with the media. By setting up an account, media requests from journalists are emailed direct to your inbox twice a day. While it’s an Aussie company, it has been so successful it’s now global!
Jo Macdermott is a well known thought leader when it comes to all things Marketing. Jo is the Founder of Next Marketing, a well established Marketing Agency based in Melbourne. Jo is looking to connect with Marketing Managers, Entrepreneurs (in funded start ups) and Small and Medium Sized Businesses (with a marketing budget). Need some marketing help? With a commercial bent? Get in touch with Jo here