5 Signs Your Nervous System Needs A Reset
5 Signs Your Nervous System Needs A Reset

5 Signs Your Nervous System Needs A Reset

People often ask me how they can know if their nervous system needs a reset/tuning. Here are THE most common signs you need to invest in a nervous system reset.

Sign #1 - You are always hypervigilant about your child's needs, anticipating, and planning but it is draining for people around you because it feels controlling to people around you.

Just to be clear, an infant does have near-constant needs and in early childhood, a child does require very close care. However, sometimes this level of hypervigilance can remain unchanged even as the child acquires more skills and autonomy with age. That is a clear sign that your nervous system is acting from a place of hyperarousal and needs a reset.

Sign #2 - You are unable to really relax on holidays.

This is a big one that we do not really talk about, after all the shiny, smiling IG photos on a beach can be mistaken for actually letting go and relaxing. Holidays can be triggering because the change of structure and schedule can bring up relational deficits that go unnoticed when one is in the familiar work-school-extracurriculars-friends on weekends structure. It can bring up body shame, and many times it shows up as resentment towards the partner/kids. More free time can also mean a slower pace, which means more foundational issues can come up.

If you find yourself fidgety and restless on holidays, or using the time to read up more on your job of choice - parenting/career as opposed to being able to relax and connect deeper, this is a sign that your nervous system needs a reset.

Sign #3 - Others notice your competence/mastery but you find it unable to believe or take it in.

Okay, this is big so bear with me. It isn't just "imposter syndrome", "inability to take compliments" or "Afraid of evil eyes if I acknowledge the good things in life" - although it can look like all three. It is a much deeper and more basic wiring of competence or mastery quickly and intensely bringing up "Yes but.." and going to evidence of self-perceived brokenness.

This is a sure sign that your nervous system needs a reset.

Sign #4 - You notice that there is a big gap between what you believe and how you behave

Some examples: You believe in non-violence, equality, and treating all human beings with respect and gentle parenting. You are definitely not one of those people who believes "My parents hit me and I turned out OK" but have read the research and you know in your bones that it is harmful.

But when you feel threatened or attacked or when your child is dysregulated or your cup is empty, it very quickly brings up a big emotional reaction - rudeness, yelling, and sometimes hitting.

This gap between knowledge and action is a sure sign that you need a nervous system reset.

Sign #5 - "Shiny Object" syndrome - you find yourself wanting to enroll in everything you can get your hands on, but struggle to follow through/finish/embody the changes.

Let's unpack this a bit - there are lifelong learners, and you are probably one of them. That thirst for knowledge is great. Do you know what is not great though? Over-enrolling in classes, courses, and the next shiny thing stems from a place of "not-good-enough" -ness or scarcity. Sometimes that overwhelm means we don't get to finish or embody the work and go very quickly for magic bullets that can solve things.

This is also a sure sign that your nervous system needs a reset.

If you are ready for the nervous system reset work, book a call with me, and let's talk - https://www.sangparth.com/15min-call


