5 Signs Your Cold Room Needs Preventative Maintenance

5 Signs Your Cold Room Needs Preventative Maintenance

In today's intricate industries, cold storage plays a vital role. These rooms contribute to maintaining the quality of sensitive products and materials, extending their shelf life, and providing suitable storage conditions for food, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals. Thus, cold storage and freezing rooms are crucial for ensuring the safety and quality of products across different industries. They play a vital role in meeting market demands and addressing customer needs with efficiency and reliability.

Cold rooms and walk-in freezers need preventive maintenance to help avoid issues by detecting potential problems early and solving them before they become expensive repairs. It is a systematic monitoring, testing, and repair of defective components in equipment, as maintenance aims to extend its life by eliminating potential malfunctions. Preventative maintenance helps in:

  1. Predict breakdown time.
  2. Extending the life of the equipment.
  3. Quick access and repair of the malfunction.
  4. Determining the costs of reform and including them in the general budget of the system.
  5. Improves energy efficiency.
  6. Ensures optimal food & drug safety conditions.
  7. Saving money in the long run.

The Common Problems for Cold Rooms:

It's not always easy to tell when your cool room needs maintenance. In fact, sometimes the problem can be so subtle that it goes unnoticed. If you want to avoid any potential issues, it's important to keep an eye out for certain signs that indicate your refrigeration system may require the attention of a qualified technician, like:

  1. Increasing the temperatures of outdoor units beyond the permissible limit may lead to a decreased time life for mechanical parts.
  2. Leakages from systems and welding points may lead to the shut-off of all systems.
  3. Cut off indoor heaters and accumulate the ice on the coils.
  4. Damage to the expansion valve.
  5. Block out the filters – fins – coils, and pipes which may lead to increasing pressures and temperatures to systems and decreased cop for systems.?

Preventative Maintenance to the Rescue!

With simple procedures, the condition of the equipment can be checked, and small problems addressed before they cause greater damage and affect the overall performance of the systems. For example:?

  1. To prevent the Increasing temperature of outdoor units, the refrigeration units need to be checked regularly to ensure that temperatures do not increase. Fans and heat exchangers are to be cleaned periodically to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt.
  2. Leaks from systems need Welding points and maintenance of sealing systems to be regularly checked to prevent leaks.
  3. To avoid cutting the internal heaters and accumulating snow on the coils; the condition of the internal heaters needs to be checked and regularly cleaned. Snow accumulation on internal coils is prevented by properly adjusting operation and periodic cleaning.
  4. Expansion valve damage can be avoided by regularly inspecting, maintaining, and replacing it if necessary.
  5. Plug filters, fins, coils, and pipes need to be cleaned regularly to prevent the accumulation of dust and impurities.

What to maintain in cold rooms?

  1. Measure low and high pressures for the cold unit and set it to standard.
  2. Measure to low and high temp. for the cold unit and set it to standard.
  3. Check to vibration of the compressor and flexible connection.
  4. Check indoor unit heaters.
  5. Check to quality and level of compressor oil.
  6. Check the overall system.

As part of our services, we offer monthly visits and semi-annual maintenance checks to our customers. These services are determined based on the number of operating hours of the units and the thermal loads of cold rooms and are carried out following the standard conditions for refrigeration and freezing units established by the American Society of Refrigeration, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

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