5 SEO Audit Checklists for Websites

5 SEO Audit Checklists for Websites

The best way to ensure that your website meets search engine optimization (SEO) standards is to use an automated tool. This checklist will show you where you need to improve on your site so that it ranks higher in search results.

Page Speed

If your website isn’t fast enough, users won’t enjoy using it. Slow websites take longer to load than faster ones, which means that people who visit your site will leave before they see what you have to offer.

Google has released a new page speed tool called PageSpeed Insights. This free online tool analyzes your web pages and gives you suggestions on how to optimize them. You can find the tool at https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/.

Mobile Friendliness

Google has made it clear that mobile-friendliness is one of its top priorities. In fact, it recently announced that it would begin penalizing sites with slow loading times. So make sure that your website loads quickly by following these tips.

Google has released a new mobile friendliness test that will help you determine whether or not your site is optimized for mobile devices. If you want to see if your site passes the test, simply visit www.google.com/mobilefriendly. You can then click on the green button at the top right corner of the page to get started. Once you’ve completed the test, you’ll be able to view your score and find out what areas of your site need improvement.

Duplicate Content

If you’re not familiar with duplicate content, it’s when multiple pages on your site contain similar content. This happens when a webmaster creates a new page using the same content as an existing page.

Internal Links

Duplicate content isn’t just a problem for search engines; it also affects how users interact with your website. Google has made it clear that it will penalize sites with duplicate content, so make sure you avoid creating duplicate content by following these simple guidelines.

Schema Markup

Schema markup is a set of tags that help search engines understand what each piece of content on your site means. It helps search engines better understand the meaning of your content, making it easier for them to index and organize your pages.


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