6 Self Care Tips for Leaders
Marissa Allen (Nash)
M.A. Organizational Leadership and Executive Coaching, Strategic Leadership and Organizational Strategy
Self care: the art of caring for your body, your heart, and your needs.
Do you struggle with making time for caring for your self and your needs?
I know I'm guilty.
As leaders, it's important to take care of your own heart. When you're able to lead yourself well, you'll be better able to lead others well.
I'm sharing 6 ways that you can implement a self care routine into your life and leadership.
It's going to be fun & so worth it. Let's do this.
1. Take a bubble bath
I recently discovered the art of bubble baths and it's been a game changer. I love listening to my favorite Spotify playlist while allowing my body to physically rest. I recommend using Camille Beckman's Full Relaxation Mind & Body Bath Soak. You can find it here for $11.99 on Amazon.
2. Go on a walk by yourself, with your dog, or a friend
Schedule in a walk. Walking for 30 minutes can change your perspective, wake up your body, and help to get you out of any funk. If you're by yourself, listen to a good podcast or calming music. If you're with a friend, enjoy the time getting to know one another more intimately. Walks are one of my favorite ways to reset.
3. Take a free yoga class at lululemon or YouTube
My two favorite ways to incorporate a free workout into my schedule is by heading to my local lululmeon for their weekly in-store classes or finding a great YouTube video. I practiced yoga at home the other day and it was the perfect way to kick off my morning. Check out this free yoga class on YouTube here.
4. Download a free meditation app
Meditation has been proven to help with anxiety, depression, and pain. It's a powerful way to get in touch with your mind, body, and breath. I highly recommend incorporating meditation into your self care routine. My go-to meditation app is Inscape. They have plenty of FREE meditations ranging anywhere from 3 minutes to 35 minutes.
5. Get a book from the library to read
Hit up your local library! Joining the library has been one of the best self care decisions I've made. I have saved hundreds of dollars over the past year by renting books instead of buying them like they're going out of style on Amazon. I'm a book junkie.
Go to the library. Get a card. Rent a book or two that will help to you to relax. I personally love reading a good fiction book when I need to rest. It's always nice to read about someone else's life for a change!
6. Light candles before bed
Candles are a simple way to set the mood before you go to sleep. Try unplugging from your phone, laptop, and email 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Light a candle or two and allow yourself to relax. You might enjoy calling a friend at this time, meditating, or reading your new book.
That's a wrap!
I'd encourage you to choose one of the ways listed above to incorporate into your self care routine.
I've personally found that Sunday evenings can be a perfect time to unwind. It helps me to prepare for the week ahead with less stress and more confidence.
If you love these tips, you'll also love the Self-Leadership Workbook I've created for women just like you. I give you a roadmap that will help you to uncover your strengths, find more confidence, rest into who you are, find balance, and impact the world because of it all!
You can get it here.