5 Secrets of Successful Virtual Assistants
The success of a virtual assistant depends upon a number of different things, from dedication to work to how good they are at what they do. The most successful virtual assistants utilize a small toolbox of secrets that they use to develop their work life and to build on the potential that they already have. Let's take a look at five of the secrets of the most successful virtual assistants.
1. Set up tools that position you as a professional: Virtual assistants are a new breed of professional, and as such, for you be considered a professional, the presentation of your work as well as things like your invoicing and business correspondence should reflect your professional nature. A professional website (preferably with a domain-specific email address), billing and invoicing software such as Freshbooks and time tracking and scheduling tools like MinuteDock and Google Calendar that are essential to getting your job done in an efficient and timely manner. There are a number of tools out there that can do these things quickly and easily.Choose the one that feels right to you.
2. Develop a strong relationship with your clients: Interpersonal marketing is a major issue when it comes to virtual assistants. Let’s face it, email exchanges and web conferences don’t help to build the kind of strong interpersonal relationship you want to have with your client.
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