5 Marketing Tips the Most Successful Copywriters Use

5 Marketing Tips the Most Successful Copywriters Use

Best Ways to Elevate Your Writing

Are you researching??

No seriously, are you even doing your homework?

Correctly I should say.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there's an abundance of events in your life right now and either your skills are rusty or you haven’t devoted time to learning.?

I say that because I’ve been in a position where I’ve constantly felt short of time and struggled to focus on what I acknowledge to be the most important areas of my life. Such as building stronger relationships with my family and friends, doing good in school or, reading, meditating, and going to the gym in hopes of someday finding my purpose. I’m sure many are in that same boat.

In terms of marketing, you could be someone who finds a name in business worthy of pitching, somehow gets lucky, and closes the client, but has absolutely no idea what to do when it is time to deliver results.


I can’t stress the importance of understanding who you are writing {TO} and {FOR} enough.?

The requirements are fairly simple and if you truly deep down inside want to put yourself ahead of other writers what I'm about to say can change the game for you.

But first, you need to be willing to improve, understanding that to create balance you must become aware of your limitations, distractions, and reasoning for your life/professional decisions.

More on that coming soon.

But writing down notes and journaling usually helps me when I feel like I've plateaued.

Anyhow, let's get into it.

1. Product Benefit & Overall Objective?

Businesses have goals.

They hired you because they want to achieve something, whether it be to drive more website traffic, increase social media engagement, or encourage newsletter sign-ups.?

The goal when writing is to speak to the people for the business, you’re not speaking to the people for yourself as an individual.

Avoid personal pronoun words like "me" or "I", but instead lean toward words such as "we" or "our", the reason for this is that most businesses represent more than one singular person.

Speaking in a tone and using words that don’t align with the business's voice isn't going to work.?

How do you find out what the business voice is??


If you’ve already read their past blogs you should have an idea, but asking facilitates the process when crafting your work.?

Lastly, it helps to jot down how the product improves lives and input them into your writing.?

  • Does it save people time?
  • Does it eliminate complicated systems?
  • Can they find and use everything they need in ONE place?

All of its benefits should be clear to read and used as attention grabbers.?

2. Target Audience?

Most businesses aren’t selling to every type of person; 70% of businesses sell to a niche market of people.?

For example, the product and its description is "an online scheduling software that makes scheduling a breeze by eliminating having to find time". (Calendly reference).?

Sure, anyone can technically use the software, but not everyone will truly benefit from its features except for CEOs, managers, entrepreneurs, etc.?

These individuals are known to have booked out calendars and can truly benefit from something that makes it easy to make time for others or just have a place to organize all their meetings and events.

In other words, busy people are better-qualifying candidates for this type of product.?

You should deeply study these people, figure out what challenges or struggles they face, and write how the product solves those problems.

3. Adaptability??

Being adaptable is the sum of the first two points. Often you are going to write differently for every business that hires you, if they're not direct competitors and as a result of targeting a different audience.


  • One client may ask you to write with an encouraging assertive tone and another may ask for confidence or formal.?
  • You may specialize in blog writing and after they’ve received your work they may ask for emails…that you have never done before.?

Copywriting is full of new challenges. Good copywriters are heavily valued as they are an asset to a business, typically capable of crafting or revising any piece of content writing or copy and elevating its performance with their strong understanding of marketing and creative minds.

4. Empathy

One of the best ways to connect with readers is through touching them on an emotional level.?

Learning to become selfless is suuuuper important because you'll need to put the needs of the reader first.?

Someday in your writing career, you'll probably have to write on a topic you don’t necessarily agree with.

And to get past it?

You will need to detach yourself from personal thoughts, beliefs, and desires.?

By doing this, you automatically eliminate the reader's negative perception of a nasty sales pitch. This helps with building trust and positioning the business as an industry thought leader, ultimately separating them from the bunch.?

Plus, nothing feels better than the reader enjoying what they’ve read and agreeing to your CTA right :).

5. Basic SEO Knowledge

You should aim to reach as many qualifying leads as possible.?

Some people are not familiar with the business you are working for and its product, so a good way to bring in organic leads is by being optimized for Google searches.

Imagine you are preparing for a race, you're ready in position waiting for the gunshot to go off. BOOM. It fires and you take off pulling ahead of every other contestant finishing the race first. And you WIN!

Businesses want to be like you, winning the race to the top of page 1 search results while in competition with others.

Whether it’s B2B or B2C, the chances of a lead in either market needing what the business is offering are high if their discovery was made through an online search.?

Understanding what words resonate with your target market is useful when implementing them into your writing.?


There are words doctors use and understand amongst each other that we marketers do not.?

Utilizing words like choledocholithiasis and hypertension depending on the topic narrows down on the audience and will likely show up when searched for or become a suggestion for something similar.

Super basic explanation of SEO, but it shows how simple it can be with a wise choice of words.

Each tip leverages off of the other. You can choose to use them all, pair them up, or adopt one that you haven’t used before.?

They all work to position their users in the industry better. You want to become someone businesses can turn to and rely on for your skills.

Allyson S.

Are you looking for loyal customers and pleased clients who keep coming back for more of your offerings? Let me cheer for you with stories that sell. Message me now to start our conversation: 225-390-3175

1 年

That was so well written and informative. Thank you for giving me something pleasant to read.



