5-Secrets in Getting Traction
Dr. Ingrid Pyka, DVM CVMI
Time Traveler: Supporting positive culture, healthy work-life balance and viable team solutions. Veterinarian, Award-winning Author, Speaker (2xTEDx), Executive Consultant
Action does not equal Progress!
Picture a deer on an icy lake suddenly losing its footing. The does splays flat on her stomach, caught on the slippery surface. Frantic, she fires her hooves in every direction. She struggles to rise, but, regardless of her best-intended efforts, she remains where she fell, far from the shores. She stays right where she started.
Translate this metaphor to our daily toils at work: how often do we exhibit the same frantic action 8, no, 10+ hours a day, with minimal results to speak of? How often have you had one of those “crazy busy” days, when someone asks you what you did all day? ...And, you come up blank? This is because, for whatever reason, we failed to get traction with the too-often haphazard schedule we've chosen.
That's right - chosen. In some way or form, we agree to everything we do. But, wait. There's good news. Once we become aware of how to control these choices, we can inch our way forward, soon with bigger and stronger steps until we reach our intended spot.
Without intentional action we drift from our direction fast, and, ultimately, like the unfortunate deer, lose any momentum we may have had. Is there action in this story? Absolutely! It would be difficult to deny. In her panicked determination, this poor deer is fully exerting every muscle fiber in her body. Lots of action indeed. But, I ask you this: despite all her toiling labor, does this doe get any closer to her goal—solid ground? No. There is no traction.
Until an outside force, such as a benevolent ice fisher or snowmobile rider, pushes or pulls her, this weary animal will unlikely ever set foot on the very bank she so desires to reach.
When we choose to plan our day, week, month, whatever path we are planning, our intentional plan drives us far closer to the results we want. The works best when we consiously set out with the end in mind. This is called "Intention with Direction." To align an effective course of "action" (more about this in a moment) we must align each task with knowledge of what it is, its impact and connect it to the most direct line towards the goal. This is our lifeline to the shore of success.
I want to point a culprit in our mindset. We are used to saying “Plan of Action," again, in reference to the lack of direction here there is no defined goal. In my experience, identifying what drives you to act in a forward motion (progression) creates a much more powerful motivation to develop realistic and accountable steps. Regardless of whether fast or slow, when you establish a Plan of Progress, you create conscious steps that move you closer and closer to your goal—your solid ground. By committing you and your team to progress, you keep ideas alive and fresh so that you actually transform possibilities into results. "Potential" is merely a puff of air, a breath of something yet to come. Success indicates the application of potentials that have delivered results—results guaranteeing value from your goals in a very real way.
These following points bring deliberate traction to any day, any week, any goal. Use the following strategic steps in your Plan of Progress to recheck assure you achieving your visions more effectively and faster:
· Determine: Verify each task is designed to provide the intended result(s) to move you closer to your ultimate goal. Make each step intentional in your mind.
· Define: Break down your actions into as simplified tasks as possible. Consciously review that each is realistic and attainable in the allotted time frame.
· Direct: Build your schedule of tasks in a directional line so that you can see clearly delineated progress towards your goal.
· Destination: Check your schedule every morning to confirm you are prepared for each appointment and/or task. Verify the time frames you have allocated to each, and, if needed, reassign either the action or the timing for another slot to better assure your intended success.
· Deliver: Bring conscious intention to each activity as you move through your day. Prepare and remind yourself the intended result before, during and after each task to help you see, activate and complete.
Watch as your Plan of Progress brings you forward to a whole new level. Intention and direction to your strategy attracts success - it's about traction.
Read more about Ingrid's Business Success programs.
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