5 secrets to getting pregnant naturally

5 secrets to getting pregnant naturally

Hey girl hey! So many women come into my practice weekly asking me for help getting pregnant. There are a number of ways a woman can increase her chances and make it more likely that she will conceive a child.

The first step is always how you nourish your body. Taking good care of your body from the inside out will help boost your fertility and open the door for natural conception.

Another important thing a woman can do is to get to know her body, specifically her menstrual cycle, said Dr. Mary Ellen Pavone, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist and medical director at Northwestern Medicine's Fertility and Reproductive Medicine department in Chicago. 

"It's important to know how far apart her cycles are so she can more accurately time intercourse to try to get pregnant," Pavone said. 

Did you know that many women diagnosed with unexplained infertility actually have a very clear explanation.  They aren’t nourishing their bodies properly.  

Can you imagine learning a new way of nourishing your body that will put you in the optimal state for conception and many of these foods are sitting in your fridge and pantry right now.  

Read below to learn what 5 tips are most important to start implementing today if you want to tell your body it is time to conceive. These tips are not only easy but fast and effective at making a healthy baby.   

So what are these tips?  

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  1. Make your mantra for eating Fat, Fiber, Protein.  Those three macronutrients are the MOST important ingredients you can put in your body when it comes to sending signals to your brain that you are ready to conceive.  
  2. Cut all processed foods- Sugar and processed foods are poison to your body when you are trying to conceive.  They disrupt your gut microbiome, compromise your immune system and send signals throughout your body that it is under attack from toxins and it needs to shut down all systems including creating a baby.  
  3. Proactively address stress- What changes can you make starting today to begin to actively lower your stress levels and begin to enjoy your life on a deeper level?  Being happier and more relaxed, overall boosts your fertility levels and your chance for conception.  
  4. Add in fermented foods- Focus on incorporating fermented foods into your diet as they help to support your immune system by fortifying your gut microbiome.  Healthy, balanced gut bacteria is necessary for processing toxins which lowers inflammation and reduces toxin exposure for the developing fetus.  
  5. Prioritize good quality sleep- Sleep is a powerful ally in helping to promote optimal fertility as it helps lower adrenal overactivity, balance fertility hormones, boost the immune system, increases stress-resiliency and enhances overall health.  

What do you do now?  

In my health coaching practice, I help clients to implement these tips into their daily lives in a way that is simple, easy and fun so they can start developing healthy habits that put them on the right path to conception and a healthy pregnancy.  

If you are ready to see how these tips can help you conceive and are ready to have the support and accountability of a fertility coach then schedule a free discovery call with me today at www.calendly.com/kelahealthcoach.

I’ll help you implement these tips so you can be on your way to holding your healthy, happy baby.  

Love and Health,

Coach Kela


Dr. Kela Smith Ph.D. ★ Fertility and Hormone Doctor ★的更多文章

