The 5 Second Rule
In The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins shares how to stop procrastinating, eliminate worrying, and make dreams a reality.?From waking up to starting a challenging project, count down from five to one and get out of bed or start the project.?While simple, this approach redirects to what we should be doing.?If you need motivation or inspiration to take action, the five-second rule gets you moving.
Further, Robbins uses the five-second rule to compliment a co-worker or make a decision at the moment instead of waiting for the right time.?From the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, to the Fifty Shades of Grey author, the book shares they went from waiting for the right time to taking action.
Instead of focusing on how we feel, the five-second rule focuses on taking action and moving away from distraction.?Smartphones and other devices were created to make us more productive, but because they can provide a convenient distraction, they can have the opposite effect, resulting in destructive procrastination.?
As the book Mindset states, our minds and personalities are flexible.?To get the results you want in life, take action in “five, four, three, two, one.”