5 Rules for Turning Endings into New Beginnings

5 Rules for Turning Endings into New Beginnings

  • Let the things we can’t control, GO. - Most things are only a part of our lives because we keep thinking about them.?Positive things happen in our lives when we emotionally distance ourselves from the negative things.?
  • Accept and embrace reality. - Life is simple.?Everything happens for us, not to us.?Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late.?For everything we lose, we gain something else; and for everything we gain, we lose something else.?We can either regret or rejoice; it’s our choice.
  • Change our mind. - Change is like breath - it isn’t part of the process, it is the process.?In reality the only thing we can count on is change.?And?the first step toward positive change is to change our outlook.?Prepare for the positive. Growth is impossible without change.?If we cannot change our minds, we cannot change anything in our life.?Sometimes all we need to do is look at things from a different perspective.
  • Hold tight to the good things. - When life’s struggles knock us into a pit so deep we can’t see anything but darkness, we should not waste valuable energy trying to dig our way out.?Because if we hastily dig in the dark, we are likely to head in the wrong direction and only dig the pit deeper.?Instead, we should use what energy we have to reach out and pull something good in with you.?
  • Rest and regroup. - Strength isn’t about bearing a cross of grief or shame.?Strength is about choosing our path, living with the consequences, and learning from them.?Sometimes we do our best and end up with a mess.?When this happens, we should try not to be discouraged.?We tried.?That’s really all we can ever do.?We have not failed; we just learned what not to do.?So rest, regroup, and begin again with what we now know.


Christi Wedel, NAAEI Faculty, CALP, CXAX Cert的更多文章

