5 rules to reduce Non-Value Transactions

5 rules to reduce Non-Value Transactions

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It is time to put on the table one of the main reasons why Organizations can’t take advantage of the capacities installed in their personnel. I mean accumulating “No Value” transactions assigned to each role.

Regularly our Collaborators are saturated with work, at least that is what they express, but we have stopped to question what kind of tasks they are executing and the value they contribute to the Organization.

Transactions are undoubtedly part of a company's daily life, but when they enrich the comfort zone of our collaborators, the problem begins.

Definition of Transaction

Transactions are activities derived from processes that have not been systematized or questioned regarding their existence. They do not regularly add value and impact productivity. Therefore, many activities within a company could be unnecessary. The problem is that we have not invested the time to analyze, evaluate, and debug them.

So Why don't organizations take the time to reflect and mitigate the lack of focus, unnecessary wear, and high costs that this causes? One of the causes could be the lack of competence of our Leaders to question the process, another not breaking with routines of the past that have given us certainty and consequently comfort.

Leaders must constantly question their operating methods and challenge employees to make the necessary changes to eliminate, reduce, or transfer the number of transactions. The use of technology is crucial to achieving the above.

I would like to share with you an experience that exemplifies how transactions are the best ally of incompetence and comfort. On a certain occasion, I decided to analyze in detail the activities of the Collaborators that made up the department, we eliminated many activities that did not add value, and the rest we concentrated in a centralized position, in this way, the different positions would have more time to carry out projects and processes of greater value to their clients. This initiative led us to a total redesign of the existing roles, when installing them we carried out change management sessions, all the above to achieve full acceptance of the initiative. The surprise was not long in coming, the players almost immediately tried to return to their original roles, tried to abandon the new role, and expressed the need to continue with the routine of the past. We pushed for the new role not to be abandoned, but when we discovered that we were wearing ourselves out too much and without success, then we decided to stop along the way, when we investigated thoroughly, we discovered that a large part of the staff did not have the capacity or the competence to perform. the new activities, others did not want to abandon the processes with which they felt comfortable and that had provided them with comfort for years. Our mistake was trusting that the staff would have the capacity to operate the new role. We re-profiled the Players against the new requirements, made adjustments, and then everything started to work.

5 rules to reduce Non-Value Transactions and eliminate Incompetence and Comfort.

1.- Importance of the Profile: Establish clearly what the organization requires of each position and guarantee that your personnel meet the required profile

2.- Question your team: Every day about what they do and how they do it.

3.- Your mission is to provide Value: Dialogue and agree with your Collaborators on the value added of each of the transactions that they operate, and challenge them to reduce or eliminate transactions.

4.- Take advantage of Technology: Help yourself with technology and automate operations as far as your budget allows.

5.- Do not accept "Nice Stories": Do not accept that your Collaborators hide behind the transactions, as a client do not accept "nice stories" and demand what you need, this drives change.

I come to the end of this article hoping that it has been of benefit, remember that your main objective is to provide value and not to justify your existence behind a cluster of transactions that only reduce productivity.

Any questions or comments, remember that I am at your service on my social networks or by phone.

Have a great week.

Pablo Gerardo Zayas Blanco


[email protected]

Cel 6562375686


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