5 Risks for CFOs to Manage in 2024

1. Economic Uncertainty

Instead of humming along, the U.S. economy will likely be filled with bumps that mess with the finance chief’s forecasts and budget assumptions. Most CFOs would like to see inflation brought down to earth so that costs stabilize and the Federal Reserve can start to cut interest rates.

“As the Dow Jones [Industrial Index] hits another record high, it would seem that we should all be ready to turn on the song from The Cars — ‘Good Times Roll ,’” said Anthony Rose , chief financial officer of Kapitus. But he said small businesses, in particular, should be aware of the possibility the Fed won’t be able to pull off the “soft landing,” that is, “reducing what was once red-hot inflation without causing a recession.”?

2. Unmet Capital Needs

While financing conditions have eased moderately in some markets, U.S. financial institutions are unlikely to loosen credit standards substantially in 2024. Asset quality and operating profits will be pressured, and higher deposit costs and unrealized losses on securities portfolios from 2023 will linger, according to Fitch Ratings’ U.S. Banks Outlook . Regional banks may be focused on balance-sheet optimization rather than lending, as regulatory changes in the amount and kinds of capital they have to hold loom.

Managing cash successfully is the number one priority of most growth companies now,? Anna Brunelle , CFO of autonomous vehicle company May Mobility, told CFO. While May Mobility raised a $105 million series D funding round not long after Brunelle joined, she’s focused on a financial plan that gets the company to profitability in a series of steps. In an environment where “funding is almost impossible … there’s no other option we have but to be careful,” she said.

Excellent comment Anna Brunelle and May Mobility

3. Geopolitical Tensions

Armed conflicts are certainly on the minds of business leaders in 2024 as the war in Ukraine and the Israel-Gaza conflict rage on.

Domestically, an acrimonious presidential election could disrupt the economy. “Presidential elections are always a source of volatility, but the uncertainty associated with presidential elections has been in crescendo in the last decade,” according to BofA Securities economists. The uncertainty could make businesses and consumers “want to stay on the sidelines this year, cutting spending,” said CFO Rose.?

Excellent quote by Protiviti

4. Cyber Threats

Tensions between nation-states raise the chances of malicious attacks on critical networks and systems.?

“We see cyberattacks increasing in scope, scale, and sophistication as geopolitical competition mounts,” said the BlackRock Investment Institute. “Foreign hackers have infiltrated critical U.S. infrastructure and the accounts of multiple U.S. officials, exposing key vulnerabilities.”

According to S&P Global, “the U.S. is facing a widespread ransomware issue … and the repercussions of persistent cyberattacks could have a wide-reaching impact on financial markets and the economy.”

SimSpace and IBM

5. Artificial Intelligence: Pressure to Adopt

Time named “ungoverned AI ”?one of the top 10 risks of 2024, saying the technology will outstrip regulatory efforts to control it. For businesses, however, who largely view AI as a tool rather than a bogeyman, the risks center on how to find compelling and profitable use cases.

Amazing quote by Claire Bramley and 天睿

Source - https://www.cfo.com/news/top-risks-2024-economy-interest-rates-venture-capital-geopolitics-China-cyberattacs-generative-AI/705418/

Paul Young CPA CGA is a former IBM Customer Success Manager that has deployed over 300 data and AI solutions across geographies and industries for the past 8 years.

[email protected]


Blog – Stock Market – Australia – January 26, 2024 - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/australia-stock-market-we-january-25-2024-paul-young-ie2mc/

Blog – Stock Market – USA and Canada – January 26, 2024? - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/stock-market-analysis-we-january-26-2024-paul-young-oocke/


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Generative AI and Finance - https://learnformula.com/course/how-to-work-generative-ai-and-the-office-of-the-finance

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Cybersecurity and OOF - https://learnformula.com/course/the-role-of-office-finance-cfo-on-cybersecurity-2

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CSM - https://learnformula.com/course/how-to-implement-a-customer-success-model


