5 Reasons You Fear Social Media... And 5 Reasons You Are Wrong!
Maria Bereket
Communications | Marketing | AI Strategist & Trainer | AI Productivity & Integration | Digital Transformation | Workplace Trends
As crazy as it seems, why would a business not want to use social media to grow their customer base and expertise in the community? It's like a big, huge billboard outside your business. 24/7 social media is flashing your expertise -- without delay.
Wake up, people! The hassle of signing advertising contracts, allocating money months in advance is over (thankfully!) Today you can use social media to build an empire of information just about your business and the payoff is your exact customers can find you any time of the day or night! So why so scary?
5 Small Business Fears:
1. Social Media Is A Waste of Time!
- Social media is one of the fastest ways to build your brand and expertise.
- Once you set up the key elements of your business, the information is available 24/7
- The big guns (Google/Safari/Bing) will actively search for you and then share it with millions of people
- This concern is more about lack of knowledge than time wasting. Social media is efficient and cost effective!
2. We Don’t Have Time For Social Media
- Time is something built into your marketing plan unless of course, you don't have a marketing plan in place, then it feels like a waste of time.
- Social Media has to be a daily, consistent part of the entire company mission—or it won’t work.
- Divide and conquer. Put everyone to work on the posting and the tweeting and you know what? The work gets done and the customers will notice you!
3. It’s Impossible To Track Social Media So ROI Cannot Be Determined
- Totally FALSE: did you know that almost all social media tools are trackable?
- A little knowledge on Analytics will go a long way to making you look even better.
- Learn how to see the digital growth, understand digital engagement, and then have fun watching your posts reach people you never thought you could reach at times you never even imagined they were listening.
4. You Are Worried Your Reputation Could Be Damaged
- Well, bad news...your customers are already talking about you!
- You just need to know where to listen.
- You can find those conversations and then respond to them before they get out of hand (which they may already be out of hand if you aren’t there now listening, but how would you even know?)
- Respond quickly, directly, and personally without anger or fear and your reputation will grow.
5. Employees Will Always Be On Their Phones & Waste Time
- What if your employees could help you grow and manage your marketing faster while they were doing their jobs?
- Smart businesses make social media part of employees jobs because it is authentic, transparent, relevant, and makes the entire team more engaged in their job!
- Of course, you must have guidelines, policies, and your mission statement-- clear and present -but you shouldn't be operating without that anyway!
Make Social Media A Tool To Grow Your Business.
Don't fear what you don't know. Learn everything you can to share your business with the world and you will not have to "find" customers. They will find you.
Learn how to use social media to grow your business. Don't be afraid: 857-998-8858 text/call or [email protected]
#SocialMedia #SmallBusinessMarketing