5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Corporate Lawyer
What does a corporate lawyer do?
In short, a corporate lawyer is responsible for negotiating, drafting or reviewing agreements, terms and conditions, finance terms and other documents of a business nature.
Company law is the body of law that governs the rights, relations, obligations and conduct of persons, companies and businesses. Businesses can be run through various different forms, whether incorporated such as public or private for-profit companies, non-profit companies or unincorporated entities like sole proprietorships or partnerships. Company law determines the consequences that flow depending on which form or entity through which a business is conducted.?
Corporate lawyers have a grasp of the vast number of laws that play a role in business transactions, including the laws regulating the forms that businesses can take and the laws regulating legal relationships and transactions. Corporate lawyers understand contracts and are able to quickly identify risky provisions and propose compromises that provide protection and are agreeable to the other party. This is based on their experience and practical knowledge of the types of provisions found in contracts. Corporate lawyers assist with ensuring that any transaction lawfully achieves the business’s strategy and objectives while limiting potential risks.
Benefits of hiring a corporate lawyer
As a business finds its feet and matures within the market, it becomes more and more important to use the services of a specialist lawyer. Here are some of the key advantages of using an experienced corporate lawyer for business transactions:
Our large team of specialist corporate and commercial lawyers assists businesses with a wide variety of corporate transactions and agreements, including due diligence investigations, advising on corporate transactions, and drafting and negotiating memorandums of incorporation (“MOIs”), shareholders’ agreements, share purchase agreements, share subscription agreements, sale of business agreements, shareholder loan agreements and joint venture agreements, and are also skilled in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts including service agreements, license agreements, software development agreements, IP assignment agreements, distribution agreements, franchise agreements, goods and/or services procurement agreements, agency agreements, reseller agreements, sponsorship agreements, website terms and related legal documents.
They also advise businesses on applicable laws and regulations, compliance and corporate governance. If you require advice on any aspect of this law, talk to our expert panel.