5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

Let’s imagine this hypothetical scenario

  • You’ve just started a diet, but after two weeks, you no longer see any results...?
  • You have even started working out.
  • You’ve started wondering what it might be that you are doing wrong.
  • You’ve been limiting yourself from certain foods and want to see some progress.

Now you feel desperate and want to quit. Before that, you want to make a final check on the internet and find an answer to your “failure.”

Join the 90 Days Of Loving The Skin You Are In Challenge this Spring. Make that commitment to yourself today and save. Spots are limited and will fill up

Let’s take a look at some of the most common mistakes that you might be making that prevent you from losing weight:


The most common reason for the scale to stay at the same place or even go up might be that you are overeating.“But I’ve been on a diet the last two weeks; that’s impossible.”

This is a common trap that new beginners fall for. Even though you started eating “healthier,” it doesn’t mean that you will lose weight.

The primary condition to lose weight is for you to be in a calorie deficit.What this means is that you have to burn MORE calories than you consume.

Sure, you may have started making healthier food choices, but are you sure you are eating the right amount?If the answer is no, you might be consuming more calories than you burn, which means you are NOT GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT.

2.Drinking too much Alcohol

Alcohol actually has hidden calories... Which are quite a lot, and EMPTY. There is zero nutritional benefits from alcohol

You’ve read that right. One gram of ethanol has seven calories1

Now, if you do the equation, if you drink two beers for the night, that’s around 450 calories extra for the day. 450 calories, out of which ZERO go towards constructive processes like the calories you get from other foods.

3.High Stress

Being overburdened by work, chores, meeting deadlines has a price.

When your cortisol levels rise, you might experience difficulties in doing specific tasks such as focusing.What do you think happens with your body when it’s being put into an enormous amount of stress?

Even if you are training and following a proper diet, your performance will suffer if you have a high amount of stress.?

You won’t lose any weight, and you may experience other problems such as headaches, tiredness, lack of concentration, muscle cramps.

Most importantly, high levels of stress may lead to emotional eating which gets you even further from your weight loss goals. Fix your mind before you take care of your body!

4.Decreased Physical Activity

Not enough physical activity can slow down the process of losing weight.?

In fact, it might even stop the whole process!

Even if you are already hitting the gym a couple of times a week, your physical activity might still not be sufficient for your goals.

If you are the type of person that goes by car to the office, then to the gym, and comes back home, then guess what, you lack physical activity!

When was the last time you checked how many steps have you made during the day? If you are not even close to 8-10k, then you have something to work on!

Some Valuable tips for making more steps

●Park as far from the supermarket as possible

●Use the stairs instead of the elevator

●Take a quick 10-minute walk after a meal

●Walk to the office if possible

●Implement some cardio in your program

5.Not Giving Your Program Enough Time

Sometimes, getting obsessed with the scale might have the opposite effect.

Some people feel bad if they see the scale has gone up.Most of the time, that’s water retention. So, for example, that can happen if you’ve consumed more salt or carbs on the previous day.

However, after seeing that, you may panic, and the chance you start binging on food because “everything is lost” is high.

Give yourself enough time and strictly follow the plan that your coach has created for you.You will only see the benefit if you are dedicated enough. Don’t give up that easily, and don’t let a scale scare you from achieving your goals.

Takeaway message

The most important factor for losing weight is for you to be in a calorie deficit, sleep well, eat whole foods and being active. Being put under pressure raises our stress levels, which may slow down the process of losing weight. Being physically active is vital for maintaining overall health and losing weight.Be patient, find something sustainable that feels seamless, and the results won’t be late! Don’t create mental resistance on your way to a better body composition.

Join the 90 Days Of Loving The Skin You Are In Challenge this Spring. Make that commitment to yourself today and save. Spots are limited and will fill up

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JOY Langley

?? New EQ Psychological Strength | More Mental Clarity | Clear Emotional Head Trash Fast | Consistent Decision Making & Growth | Business Should be Fun? | Author Coach Therapist | For Solopreneurs & High Level Executives

1 年

Hi Camille Jones ...yes stress affects our cortisol and a process that makes the body want to replace energy. Therefore we get hungry! The process is great for for survival but boosts the appetite. Additionally increased cortisol levels cause cravings for sweet, fatty and salty foods. yikes!

Lauralette Virgil

Enjoying learning new things. Interest in networking, marketing, upskilling, and creative writing.

1 年

great article and practical tips.


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