5 reasons why empathy is important in relationships

5 reasons why empathy is important in relationships

What is empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It's an important emotion because it helps us build trusting and meaningful relationships with others.?

Here are five reasons why empathy is important in relationships:

1. Empathy Allows Us to Deeply Understand Our Partner

If we want to create a strong, lasting relationship with someone, we need to be able to understand them on a deep level. And to do that, we need empathy. When we empathize with our partners, we can see things from their perspective and better understand their thoughts, feelings, and needs. We know what makes them happy and what hurts them. As a result, we can respond in a way that meets their needs instead of just reacting emotionally.

2. Empathy Helps Us Build a Stronger Connection With Our Partner

By empathizing with our partners, we show that we treasure them and want to know more about their thoughts and feelings. Research has found that couples with a high degree of empathy for one another tend to feel closer emotionally and report feeling more connected overall. So next time you're in an argument with your partner, try seeing things from their perspective!

3. Empathy Increases Relationship Satisfaction

Couples who are more empathetic towards one another tend to be more satisfied with their relationship overall. Research has shown that empathy is one of the key predictors of satisfaction in romantic relationships. Why? Because when we take the time to understand how our partner feels and what they need from us, it leads to fewer arguments and conflict overall. And when conflict does arise, couples who are good at empathizing with one another are better equipped to resolve it effectively.

4. Empathy Reduces Conflict in Relationships

By its very nature, empathy reduces conflict because it allows us to see both sides of every issue. When we can step outside ourselves and view the situation through our partner's eyes, it's easier to find common ground and compromise—two essential ingredients for any healthy relationship. Furthermore, research has shown that couples with high levels of empathy for one another experience less frequent and less intense conflict than those who don't.?

5. Empathy Makes Relationships More Resilient

In addition to reducing frequent arguments and conflict, empathy makes relationships more resilient, meaning they're better equipped to withstand difficult times such as illness, job loss, or financial troubles. This is because couples who are good at empathizing with one another have more understanding of each other's needs during tough times and greater communication skills overall. As a result, they're better equipped to handle whatever life throws their way as a team instead of letting difficult times tear them apart.?


Empathy is an important ingredient in any relationship—romantic or otherwise. By taking the time to understand how our partner feels and what they need from us, we can create a strong emotional connection that will weather any storm. So next time you disagree with your significant other (or anyone else for that matter), try taking a step back and seeing things from their perspective—you might just be surprised at how much easier it is to find common ground when you do.

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