5 Reasons Why CEO's Fail To See Results

5 Reasons Why CEO's Fail To See Results

Welcome To "The CEO Newsletter"

After advising, coaching and training over 3,600 CEO's and entrepreneurs we were asked to create a newsletter specifically called "The CEO Newsletter." It's a straight-to-the-point insight center with no fluff and now it's available to you on LinkedIn.

We cover performance topics in the areas of business, personal performance, family, relationships and all aspects of life that impact a business or career man who is driven to be successful.

Before you read on, please hit the SUBSCRIBE button so you get immediate access. This is our first edition on LinkedIn and we're going to give you a teaser. You'll get full access to the upcoming newsletters going forward.

Thousands of other successful CEO's have subscribed and every month, you'll receive access to three things:

  1. The strategies we use with our most successful CEO's to get results
  2. The toolkits they use to get it done faster and better
  3. The key elements to focus on and to avoid so you don't waste valuable resources and time

Back to The Point...5 Reasons Why CEO's Fail To See Results

Over the past six years, we've worked with 16 research and academic institutions with PhD's in neuroscience, performance psychology, etc. to solve the challenge "how can we get business professionals to perform at their highest potential?"

Based on our research and experience, we've identified the factors that lead to achieving results and the factors that lead to the failure of achieving results.

If you are not seeing the results you want, you should examine these five elements within yourself and your team members. In each of our studies, it was consistent that if someone was not seeing results, it was based on one of these five factors:

#1 Lack of Inspiration

Inspiration is literally fuel. Studies show that in order for you to execute and keep executing, you must have a certain threshold of inspiration. Sheer grit and will power can only get you so far. Without the right amount of inspiration, you'll be performing at a suboptimal level.

We believe that inspiration and motivation differ. Motivation feels like you are pushing yourself towards your goals and inspiration feels like you are being pulled towards them.

#2 Lack of Skills

We've noticed that when CEO's want to get from point A to point B, there is always a skill gap. This gap isn't just technical, it's also non-technical. These skills involve your ability to manage your internal state including your mindset, emotions, health, etc.

Some of the skill gaps are easily identifiable by you. Many are not and external insight from a consultant, coach, mentor or peers is required. You don't know what you don't know.

#3 Lack of Tenacious Execution

Your execution and the execution of your team must be tenacious. This requires a systematic approach that is constantly tracked, measured and improved. The challenge is that most CEO's look at the business systems rather than the people systems. The biggest factor influencing a person's execution is their personal habits and routines.

If you want to improve execution, start with your personal habits and routines those of your team members.

#4 Lack of Rapid Innovation

Innovation entails two main elements: creativity and problem solving. Both are skills and both can be taught. When you face a challenge, you must address it immediately. When you sense an opportunity, you must create it immediately.

Time is of the essence and therefore it must be rapid creativity and rapid problem solving. Otherwise, you'll be left behind.

#5 Lack of Active Sustainability

Active sustainability is how well you perform over time. Burnout is real and it's the biggest reason why people can't sustain their performance and can't continue to get results long-term. More and more people are feeling it. Yet, not very many CEO's discuss how burned out they feel.

You can't tell your Board of Directors because they may get rid of you and you can't tell your executive team because they look up to you for guidance. It's a difficult position to be in. If you want results long-term, you must learn how to take care of yourself. There is a science to it and we will share that with you in upcoming editions of this newsletter.


Thank you for tuning into this newsletter. This is the very first edition and therefore, we have kept it "light."

After you SUBSCRIBE, you'll get access to the full editions going forward which will include the toolkits that our top performing CEO's use. You don't want to miss out on these as this is how you will get the best results.

We'll see you next time!

Purdeep Sangha - "The Strategist For Businessmen"

Precious Mmesoma


3 个月

Inspiration and insight is truly a currency for success because that is what has built the most strategies we have now in the business sector. But a man void of inspiration must give himself to daily intake of what makes a man/work successful in the world and in his industry. He must give himself to the educational materials, videos and so many other things on how to do your work effectively. But for the inspiration that is extraordinary you must have to align with the one who gives this inspiration and that's our creator.

Precious Mmesoma


3 个月

Inspiration and insight is truly a currency for success because that is what has built the most strategies we have now in the business sector. But a man void of inspiration must give himself to daily intake of what makes a man/work successful in the world and in his industry. He must give himself to the educational materials, videos and so many other things on how to do your work effectively. But for the inspiration that is extraordinary you must have to align with the one who gives this inspiration and that's our creator.

Tim Housser

Business Solutions Advisor at PandaPay?

2 年

Worthy of the read a few times to decipher and put into plan of action

Paul van Niekerk

Senior Executive Marketing Specialist | Compliance - Industry Governance

2 年

most informative, best wishes Paul


