5 reasons why becoming a cybersecurity expert without a degree might be easier than you think
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A common question among IT students and security enthusiasts is whether if it is possible to score a cybersecurity job or to build a career in cybersecurity without having expensive cybersecurity or computer science degrees.
There are many who lack relevant degrees but are interested in starting a career in the cybersecurity field. While computer science and IT degrees have their own plus points, there are still many reasons why you may not need a degree to get started in the field of cybersecurity. Whether you are a student interested in choosing cybersecurity as a career or an IT professional looking to get a cybersecurity job, this article will give you five big reasons why you can become a cybersecurity expert without a degree.
Can you get a cybersecurity job without a degree? ?
Before we answer that. Have you ever stop to think, how many degrees that cybercriminals may have? Probably, none! Just like any other job, getting a cybersecurity job can depend on a range of different aspects such as your personal capabilities, knowledge, skills, experience, and so on. However, what makes the cybersecurity field different from others is that rather than a degree, employers need skilled employees that are capable of making critical decisions and are able to understand and solve complex security issues while satisfying all of the security requirements.
Now to answer the question. Yes, it is possible to get a cybersecurity job without a degree as long as the below conditions are met.
1) You have prior IT or military experience
2) You have cybersecurity certifications such as:
3) Your goal is to get an entry-level job
The chances of you finding a satisfying job in cybersecurity can become very limited if in case the above conditions don’t apply to you. There are a host of cybersecurity career options to go around. Many cybersecurity jobs do not require having a computer science degree, while others require appropriate certifications, degrees, and experience from candidates to be eligible for the job. Job requirements can change depending on the company and their requirements, however, having a degree and certifications can definitely increase your chances of getting the job.
Which cybersecurity jobs require a degree?
Both degrees and certifications play an important role in making a candidate suitable for a cybersecurity job. Industry experts revealed that 80% of cybersecurity-related job postings require a relevant bachelor’s level or higher college degree while 59% of all cybersecurity positions request at least one security certification. However, entry-level cybersecurity jobs most often require IT and security certifications and do not need candidates to have a college or computer science degree. On the contrary, mid-level and advanced cybersecurity jobs such as Cybersecurity Analysts, Engineers, or Penetration Testers, etc. require a higher level of industry experience and relevant degrees.?
5 Big Reasons You Can Get into Cyber Without a Degree
While it is a plus if you have college, computer science, or a cybersecurity degree, but there is no need to fret if you cannot afford or cannot get a degree for some reason. To help you get motivated, here are 5 major reasons why you can still become a cybersecurity expert without having a CSE degree.
Reason 1: It’s an employee’s market
Cybersecurity is an ever-growing industry with a global shortage of skilled professionals. Experts anticipate that by the end of 2021 there will be more than 3.2 million unfilled positions in the global cybersecurity market while the cybersecurity jobs grow by 350%. This global skills shortage is increasing the demand and value for cybersecurity professionals. Organizations of all sizes and types need security professionals to improve, manage, and secure their digital assets and business infrastructure. Having only the essential skills and certifications can make you a valued candidate for many entry-to-mid-level cybersecurity jobs.
Reason 2: A degree is not a mandatory requirement
Unlike other fields such as medicine or law, cybersecurity is a field that does not require candidates to have a specific degree. Technology is a dynamic and ever-changing field. Employers have the freedom to hire any candidate of their choice. There is no law or regulatory body that requires companies to only hire candidates with a valid computer science degree.?
Reason 3: Certifications can be more valuable than a degree
There is a multitude of cybersecurity certifications that cover different IT and security aspects. Candidates with multiple security certifications are more valued to an employer than a candidate with only a degree. Certifications exhibit that a candidate is skilled in a variety of security disciplines and is more qualified to handle today’s wide range of complex security issues. In a nutshell, even if you do not have a degree, you can still get a satisfying job in cybersecurity if you achieve multiple industry-demanded security certifications.
Reason 4: Countless learning sources
There are truly countless options to gain cybersecurity education, apart from colleges and universities. Unlike engineering, medical, law, or other types of fields, you do not have to go through extensive university programs to gain the required cybersecurity skills. You can learn technical cybersecurity skills from many online courses, trading schools, academies, learning platforms such as Skillshare, Udemy, etc. Many online sources offer free cybersecurity courses and free cybersecurity certifications that you can gain remotely.
Reason 5: Not everyone has a degree
It may come as a surprise, but the majority of hiring employers and cybersecurity professionals lack a degree in cybersecurity. Once you enter the field of cybersecurity, you will find it very easy to spot successful cybersecurity professionals such as team leaders and security managers that do not have cybersecurity degrees. Your cybersecurity skills, knowledge, experience, and personal attributes like critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and the ability to stay agile are what most employers are looking for in an ideal candidate. In a nutshell, skilled candidates always win as compared to candidates with degrees and no practical experience or knowledge.?
It is always better to get the relevant degrees if you have the time and resources on hand. However, if you are already in your mid-career and looking for other opportunities in the field of information technology. Obtaining the most demanded cybersecurity certifications can enable you to take your career to the next level. IT certifications, previous working experience in the IT sector, and determination are the key factors that can help you become a certified cybersecurity expert without having a degree.
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