5 Reasons & Some Good Advice on Why You are Not Generating Business On Social Media
Social Media is a great digital marketing tool that enables businesses and marketing teams to interact with prospects, interact with customers, promote content, and generate sales leads.
When a business uses social media correctly, new customers have the ability to access quality content and tailored information directly from your business from a platform they are already on.
So why are you not making progress?
Your Social Channel is Not Consistent
What’s the point in creating something and no one is going to checking it out?
A social media campaign stresses consistency. And we don’t just mean quality or useful information for your social audience, either. We’re saying you should frequently share that valuable content.
Running sporadic social media campaigns are inconsistent with this idea, there should always be, if only once or twice a week, a steady flow of relevant, quality information. But, how much and when do you update statuses?The short version is that there is no correct answer to this.
It depends on your business and customers. But there are many tools out there such as AuDience that help you to see what’s happening or trending in communities where your customers hang out. Creating content has everything to do with tapping into your customer’s interests, but it will take a bit of research on your part.
"Another point worth mentioning, is that
not all of your customers are on
your social channel
all of the time"
For example, you could send out about 10 tweets per day, from 10am to 7pm. They just have to be spread out during the day so that your followers’ accounts aren’t flooded. This will take a bit of content planning on your or your agency’s part. A good content/editorial calendar keeps you organized and focused, as it sets deadlines for and keeps the ball rolling.
There is a good tool that you could investigate to help keep the schedule such as Hootsuite, who offer a free service initially.
Not Understanding How Social Media Really Works
Social Channels have different tricks and tools that are available to get posts noticed. Also people of differing ages prefer different channels.
The idea here is to understand where to focus most of your social efforts. Facebook by far outweighs the other social channels in terms of users, and it’s good to have a Business Page and be present, however, consider where your audience is online. If you are marketing to younger people, then you might get more traction putting more effort into Instagram, as an example.
Talking At your Audience and Not Listening to them.
Put your ear to the ground, listen to what your customer’s challenges are for one, and then design your content around addressing this. You simply can’t promote and try to sell your own services all of the time, people will shut off and ignore the content. Why? Because that’s not the point of social media. It’s about have conversations and engaging with your followers.
Not being Unique or Giving Anything New
It is all about the content, yes, the photo’s the blogging, the promotions, the you-tube links. You may be tired of hearing this, but this is how social media operates.
But, if everyone else is creating and sharing content, why should people like, share, or comment on your content if it’s the same as everyone else’s?
When coming up with ideas, try and develop ones that are unique. At the very least, your ideas should keep it specific to your target customers. If you need some ideas, we suggest that you read this article from industry influencer KISS Metrics for blogging ideas.
Not Measuring your Results on the Channel
For example, you realize that Twitter is the best network for your brand and business, but, how well is your Twitter campaign going? How many likes and re-tweets and comments is your content getting? These are relevant questions that need to be answered.
If not, you’re will go on to create and promote content that isn’t generating a response from your audience. And that’s just a waste of time you’re your hard-earned money.