5 Reasons Maker Education Will Make Your Child Future Ready.
Cyron Chan
Educator, Innovator, Mentor & Coach | Empowering Everyone to Make an Impact | Focusing on AI, No Code, STEAM, Design Thinking, Impact Startup Incubation and more...
Making is a powerful way to learn. It can be an engaging and fun way for kids to learn about the world around them (coding, engineering, design) or it can be a creative outlet that helps build confidence and problem-solving skills. Making sparks curiosity and creativity which will make your child future-ready.
1) Making promotes cross-disciplinary learning: Kids who are interested in art or computer programming can both benefit from a maker education curriculum.
2) Making teaches collaboration: When kids work together on a project they have to think about what everyone's strengths are to create something great together.
3) Making provides hands-on experience: In today's digital world, it's important that kids have access to hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math experiences so they're prepared for the jobs of tomorrow.
4) Making fosters creativity: When you give kids tools and resources to express themselves creatively, they'll feel more confident in their abilities.
Why making is a powerful way to learn
A maker education curriculum is one way to foster creativity. When you give kids the opportunity to explore different types of making, they'll become more confident in their abilities.
1) Making fosters creativity: There are infinite ways for kids to create using a maker education curriculum.
2) Making teaches problem-solving skills: Kids will have opportunities to solve problems and practise teamwork when collaborating on projects.
3) Making sparks curiosity: When children explore different forms of making, they're more likely to be curious and ask questions about the world around them.
Making sparks curiosity and creativity
When kids are given the opportunity to be creative, they can discover their inner creative genius. And when kids are curious about what's happening around them, they're constantly learning new things.
That's why making is so important for children today. When children are engaged in hands-on activities that challenge them to think critically and solve problems, it sparks their natural curiosity and creativity.
Making also helps build confidence and problem-solving skills which will make your child future-ready.
5 Reasons Maker Education Will Make Your Child Future Ready
If you want your child to be ready for the future, they need to be able to make it. It encourages kids to explore creativity and problem-solving skills.
Makerspaces teach children how to code, design, create, and engineer; it's a cross-disciplinary approach that will prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow. Makerspace learning helps children develop strong collaboration skills with their peers. These spaces allow hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math explorations which are important in today's world where everything is digital. Finally, what better way to foster creativity than through making?
Promoting maker education in our schools now will help children become creators of the future who are prepared for the challenges ahead.
Making promotes cross-disciplinary learning
In today's digital world, it's important that kids have access to hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math experiences so they're prepared for the jobs of tomorrow.
Making sparks curiosity and creativity which will make your child future-ready.
When you give kids tools and resources to express themselves creatively, they'll feel more confident in their abilities.
Making teaches collaboration
One of the most important aspects of maker education is that it teaches kids how to work with others. Whether they're collaborating on a project or learning new skills, makers need to consider what their classmates can contribute so that their projects are successful.
Imagine you're in a class where everyone needs to combine their strengths for a project. It could be anything from painting a mural on the walls of your school to designing the next big app. Makers learn how to work together and solve problems which will make them future-ready in today's competitive job market.
The best part about making is that you never know what your end result will be until you start creating something which means kids are always engaged and curious about what they're working on!
Making provides hands-on experience
As a teacher, I know that it's hard to compete with the bright screens in kids' pockets. It's much more difficult for kids to be creative when they can't actually touch and manipulate materials in the classroom.
In today's digital world, it's important that kids have access to hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math experiences so they're prepared for the jobs of tomorrow.
Kids who are interested in art or computer programming can both benefit from a maker education curriculum. Imagine being able to market directly to people who have an interest in your products or services.
Making fosters creativity.
If your child is struggling with creative expression, it's important to give them opportunities to build confidence in their strengths. A maker education curriculum can provide the right environment for kids to be creative and express themselves creatively. Often, when kids are given the opportunity to explore their creativity they will become more confident in their abilities and see what they're capable of.
With a Maker Education curriculum, kids will create something unique and personal. They'll unleash their creativity and think outside of the box! Check out these seven ways making sparks creativity:
1) There are no restrictions: When kids work on projects that don't have any restrictions or rules, they can tap into their full potential.
2) Problems get solved: Making is a problem-solving process that requires ingenuity and creativity.
3) Kids get excited about learning: A maker education curriculum helps students develop a love for learning because they're constantly exploring new things.
4) Making inspires curiosity: Curiosity is one of the most powerful engines behind human progress, so it's important that children continue to ask questions while making projects.
5) Making builds confidence: When kids feel like they can do anything, they'll be less self-conscious about what others think of their