5 Reasons I Won't Introduce You to My Contacts
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5 Reasons I Won't Introduce You to My Contacts

Several years ago I received a request from someone to introduce them to Daniel Pink. I didn't know this person. I had never interacted with her even on messages, and this person failed to tell me why she wanted an introduction to a high-level connection of mine. I said "No," and she was pissed off, as though I owed it to her to introduce her to someone simply because they asked. That's very common - right up there with people wanting to "connect" with me only to then try to sell me stuff - often ghostwriting services - without realizing I AM a ghostwriter! So, here are the five top reasons I won't introduce you to my contacts:

ONE: I don't know you. I've never seen you comment on my posts or articles, or anyone else's posts or articles. You've come out of nowhere with an "ask" - and usually a big ask. I don't know your politics, character, ethics, or anything else about you. In my book, you're simply a taker and a user and probably a poor salesperson or scammer based on your brazen ask. Go away. I want nothing to do with you.

TWO: You are asking for things, introductions, sales, and a sales call for YOUR services or products that cost ME time. You have no idea who I am, what I do, what I need, what I want, what my pain points are, or how I work. And I'm NOT going to introduce you to colleagues of mine who don't want those things any more than I do. Go away. I want nothing to do with you.

THREE: You have nothing to offer that I want or need - like a PDF, slideshow, ebook, or free course. See #Two. Chances are very good that if I DON'T want what you're offering, my connections don't. I've worked, in most cases, hard to establish professional connections with people, or to at least look over their LinkedIn bio to see if we have anything in common. My level one and two connections are people whose relationship I value. You're NOT getting through their gatekeepers, including me, to sell them, pitch them, or annoy them.

FOUR: You're a taker, an idiot, a poor speaker, you're unfocused, greedy, a narcissist, or an opportunist. Why? Because you have FAILED to do your due diligence and find out about me, interact with me, have a conversation about a post, or reveal your politics or personal beliefs to me. Even if I know you and like you, if you speak too fast, are all over the place, are unfocused, rude, and selfish - ie. you are rarely generous and giving of your time, attention, and gifts or connections, you are not the kind of person I want to introduce to my contacts.

FIVE: You're not ready. The young women who wanted an introduction to Dan Pink found some other way to connect with him, but it wasn't through me. They were going for a "big ask" hoping that somehow someone that big would have or find the time to listen to them talk about their project, or that their project had some sort of merit and maybe I'd go to bat for them. Here's the thing, they NEVER explained what they were doing, why they wanted the introduction, etc. So, I'm NOT going to introduce any of MY contacts to people who 9 times out of 10 will try to sell my contact something, or pitch them services they don't need or want. Not happening.

Am I "missing a great opportunity"? Maybe, but probably not. One in a million MIGHT be worth the time, but usually not and I'm not motivated to take that risk. If you want an introduction to someone through me, you're going to have to prove yourself OVER TIME - and not a week or a day - and show me that you are worth my getting to know, and then possibly my introducing you to someone I know. I value my connections and I'm not introducing you unless it benefits my connection as much as it benefits you.

Now, go out there and start interacting on posts and articles. Start writing articles I can read. Take the TIME to find out who I am, what I do, and how you can help me before you ask me to help you. NETWORKING is everything and if you don't understand that, you're lost already.


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