5 Reasons Fitness and Exercise Improves Your Mental Health
It is a known fact that exercise and physical fitness has a positive effect on your mental health. How is this so? In the article that follows we list 5 reasons why exercising and keeping fit can help you in body as well is in mind, so let’s get started.
Sense of Achievement
Part of the problem with depression and other mental health issues is the lack of motivation. Many a time you may force yourself to do something and, having completed it, feel a great sense of achievement that makes you feel somewhat better.
This is another trigger for the hormones or endorphins with the brain doing its trick to make you feel brighter. Setting goals that can be reached is a great way to start tackling mental health issues.
The goals don’t need to be anything special, just reaching a certain level in your exercise routine or walking a set number of miles, for example. It’s reaching the goal that helps.
Better Sleep Pattern
Sleep is vital to good health, both physical and mental. Many people with mental health issues – anxiety, depression, and others – find sleeping well difficult. They suffer broken sleep patterns, loss of sleep, and are fatigued as a result. Exercise and keeping fit will help energy usage, which means you’ll be ready to sleep when the time comes.
An adult should be achieving around 7 hours of sleep a night – it depends on the individual – so that the brain and body can rest for a sufficient time. Natural sleep is also preferred to assisted sleep, as it helps the brain with the endorphins that sleep releases to relax the individual.
A regular exercise routine – even if it is simply a half-hour walk each day – may be enough, to begin with, and once you have got into the rhythm and seen the benefits you will be inspired to move on. That brings us neatly to our final point.
Boost Your Mood
Exercise is a great reliever of depression. This may sound like an odd thing to say at first, but it is a proven clinical fact. Our moods are created by the brain in response to levels of hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.
These are triggered for release by the brain in response to certain actions and circumstances. One of these is when an individual exercises or performs a physical act. Even taking a walk in the open air can trigger the release of these ‘happy hormones’ and lift the mood.
Gardening is a choice or, for more regular exertion take a ride on a bicycle. If you want exercise equipment at home then Fitness Training Star is the place to look at for great deals.
Reduced Stress
You can perform an exercise for stress and anxiety that will help you overcome your problems. It’s worth remembering, however, that stress is a natural and important part of our mental make-up, and in certain situations can be good for us – but only in small doses! It forms the backbone of the ‘fight or flight response that inspires us to, metaphorically, jump one way or the other in a tense moment.
Too much stress is bad for us and takes us into places we don’t want to go. If you perform the exercises described – and they are easy to do – you’ll find the brain responds by issuing the command for soothing and calming endorphins to be released, thus relieving your stress and anxiety and taking you back to your grounded state once more.
Inspired to Continue
One of the most frightening elements of suffering from mental health issues is reaching the point where you begin to feel it is not worth continuing with life. It’s not uncommon, and sadly it pushes some people over the top. Exercise, and keeping fit, as described above helps the production of the right hormones at the right time.
Most cases of clinical depression, for example, are a result of a low level of serotonin. This can be rectified by anti-depressants in some patients, but the benefits of exercise – even light but regular exercise – are proven and scientifically confirmed.
Many people who have begun an exercise regime to help with their mental health issues, whether riding a bike, working out, running, swimming, or taking up an outdoor sport such as golf, have found that – in time – they no longer reach a level where they feel despondent. Instead, they are inspired to continue their program as they recognize how it helps with their problem.
Mental health is no longer a taboo subject and it is recognized that many millions of people suffer from a wide variety of issues. Start exercising and keeping fit – begin by taking a walk each day – and you will soon begin to stimulate your brain to release the relevant hormones and feel a lot better.