5 Reasons to Enroll in Korean Business Culture Training
Don Southerton
Trusted Korea business culture coach, mentor, and consultant. Hyundai Whisperer...
Five reasons why…
1. The program scheduling is highly flexible, and we work with your and the team's schedule and needs. (Upon registering and making the payment, we will confirm individual start days and times.)
2. Many find the program career-enhancing.
3. We tackle 2024 Korean facing workplace dos and don'ts. ( Things change).
4. We provide a model for problem-solving common Korean business issues, which can be applied to problems that may arise in your workplace.
5. The program is highly interactive and adaptive, as workplace situations may change. ( In other words, many join our program with one thought and goal in mind, but quickly what the actual needs are…).
We offer... Group Korean Business Culture Workshops for the team. Time proven since 2003.
And, for individuals eager to learn...Korean business 6-week intensive one-on-one coaching.
First, both courses provide participants with deep insights into Korean business, whether new hires, on a team assigned to Korea-related projects, or those of you who have been engaged for a long time.
You can register today for the individual coaching or group workshops.
Both are excellent programs for anyone who works with Korea or Korean teams.
The virtual classes will be solution-oriented and highly interactive, including Q&A and timely topics.
To register for individual coaching, click here:
To register for the Group workshops, click here:
Questions? Just ask :)